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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been mistreating my body with stress, no sleep and copious amounts of food and drinks for my 10-day birthday celebration. I’m the type of person who would wake up at 6 a.m. to go to the gym and take care of what I was eating. Haven’t been doing that. So for a day, I decided to be virtuous, as one of my co-workers would say, and try a juice cleanse.

Pressed Juicery has cleanses that you can buy for one day, three days or five days. As I am a beginner, I opted for their one-day high-calorie beginners cleanse. It comes with six juices and two *special* waters. I’m supposed to start my day with a metabolism kicking water and drink a different juice every two hours. I get easily hangry, so I warned a few people not to test me at all during this cleanse. 

You start with a milk-based juice, then a green juice, root juice, citrus juice, another green juice and finish off the day with some more milk. 

Here is the live recap of my day without solid food in my body: 

10:30 a.m. I’ve just drank a weird mix of my lemon cayenne H20 water and a Vanilla Almond milk drink and somehow have energy in my body. The lemon cayenne kick started my metabolism for the day, and my body already released the insane amount of fried rice I consumed last night for no reason at all. The Vanilla Almond drink was surprisingly filling. I usually have shakes for breakfast, so this part of my routine hasn’t been too different. Let’s see how much longer it takes for me to get hangry and my head to hate me. 

1:30 p.m. As you can easily see I have missed my two-hour deadline because of a meeting and I am HANGRY. Right at 12:30 I was feeling satisfied and ready for my next juice, but as the meeting dragged on, I felt my body get tired, and my head started to pound. I rushed to my desk to have my second juice, and it has to be the first green juice I’ve ever had that did not taste like I was swallowing up a tasteless green goop. Chugged like if it was my job and my head feels significantly less woozy. 

3:00 p.m Yes I realize I drank this half an hour before I could but considering the fact that my schedule is already messed up, why not? Also the fact that the previous juice was very much water, unlike the first milky juice, hunger came about much quicker. Surprisingly, other than a headache, I have a ton of energy and am focusing on work today more so than I have in the past two weeks. This might be my body trying to ignore the fact that I have been drinking my meals all day. 

5:07p.m. This wait was a lot shorter than the others, probably because I caved and had a small cube of granola about 30 minutes ago. The next juice is supposed to be a citrus drink to wake you up while your body screams for chicken nuggets. 

7:00 p.m. I was feeling energetic and decided to clean my room while having my fifth juice. You know, please your body, cleanse your exterior. I felt so much better not being at a desk and moving around and being productive, my body felt brighter and lighter and although I still had a slight headache, I was so focused on cleaning I forgot about it. Also starting to realize my office drained my energy, not the lack of solid foods. 

9:10 p.m. Made it to the end of the day to a juice with more substance: Chocolate Almond Milk. It was such a satisfaction to know I got through the day and got to finish it with such a filling drink. I feel proud, energized, and hey, I might even go for round two. 

12:00 a.m. Just kidding. I ordered chicken nuggets. 

Ithaca College 2018 • Journalism • International PoliticsI am from the Colombia and the Dominican Republic, have a love for monograms and monochromes. Black is my essence but greys are ok too. http://www.thepucsh.com