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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

So you’ve encountered a f*ck boy… Our generation and how we manage the “dating world” continues to baffle me each and every day. Of course, there’s a type of boy that sadly most girls will encounter throughout their process of dating. This is, what our generation likes to call, a “f*ck boy.” If you have dealt with a f*ck boy who has left you in the dust or dropped you like a hot potato, please read on as I guide you with advice and a plan of action.

1. What even is a f*ck boy?

Well let me tell you! According to Urban Dictionary, a f*ck boy is “A manipulating d*** who does whatever it takes to benefit him, regardless of who he screws over. They will screw over anyone and everyone as long they get what they want.” These kind of boys will lead girls on in order for them to fulfill their needs. He also will make you think that he is really into you, but claim he cannot be in a relationship. I sincerely apologize if you have met a guy like this. After you’ve acknowledged that you’ve encountered a f*ck boy, let him go. This is extremely difficult to do, but hanging onto something that hurts you does nothing but mess with your emotions, thoughts, and feelings.

2. Now what?

Move on and free yourself from the negativity that you’ve endured. Now is an important time to focus your energy on better things in life. Even though you have let him go, you will still feel the urge to think about him. Do not let anyone that is unworthy occupy space in your head. This is an essential concept to remember during the recovery stage. The more you dwell on something negative or toxic, the more it will hinder your growth and happiness. Furthermore, you must love yourself before you love anyone else, so now is a great time to rediscover and appreciate who you are. You must be able to stand on your own two feet before taking on the responsibility of another person’s feelings. Remember that there is nothing wrong with being single!

3. Know that if a f*ck boy leaves you, it’s never your fault.

When this happened to me I thought I would try the three-day rule. I waited and did not receive a text, call or snapchat. A week turned into two, and at that moment I realized he would never respond. I went into panic mode and worried constantly: Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? No, because as Urban Dictionary stated, once a f*ck boy gets what he wants, he leaves. When you realize you’ve been treated unfairly, it hurts. This is difficult to accept, but know that his departure is not your fault, and in the long run, is for the better.

4. If it doesn’t serve you, it doesn’t deserve you.

Now that he is gone, do not text him, snapchat him or call him; it will ruin and elongate your recovery process. If you know you will revert to a f*ck boy, then block or mute him on social media. Sometimes cutting people off completely is the best way to recover from a situation like this. In a certain way you’re grieving from a loss, so give yourself some time to heal. This may sound crazy, but it makes a huge difference. Time heals all wounds. Remember, if the person does not serve you, nourish you, and support you, then they do not deserve you.

5. Remember: Treat this as a learning experience.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, things like this happen. As my mother has always told me, people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime; they are either a blessing or a lesson. Try to look at this situation with a different perspective. Take something from it to remember for your future relationships. But most importantly, keep moving forward with your head held high. You are able to overcome this obstacle. Don’t let any boy dull your sparkle!

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