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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Not to get all sappy on you, but love is a pretty cool thing and it can change every aspect in your life. I have been fortunate enough to find my person, my adventure partner, my best friend, and the love of my life. You learn a lot about yourself, your values, and what you want and need when you find that kind of love. It’s genuine, honest, and will never give up on you.

From my own experience, that true love stuff has had a huge impact on me across the board. From self-confidence, to motivation and inspiration, to patience, and happiness, and everything in between. I am the best version of myself because I’m able to be genuinely happy and confident with myself. The increase in self-confidence has led to things like pursuing grad school and feeling like I can honestly do well, producing a higher quality of work, living a healthier lifestyle, and having a more positive outlook on life.

I’m not trying to throw love in your face and make it seem like all relationships are equivalent to mine. Everyone walks through love and life in their own way and that should be celebrated. It took a while, with a lot of learning and hurt along the way, to get to this point and to find my person. I’ve grown a lot and had to make some hard decisions that have fortunately changed my life for the better.

A really cool thing/change that I’ve noticed the most about myself since my eyes have been opened to what seems like a new world, is how truly happy I am. Friends and family have noticed the physical change and I even see it now in pictures of myself. I’m more myself than I think I ever have been. The confidence I have now is wild, which I think has seriously changed my perspective and I’m able to walk through the world really believing that I can do anything I set my mind to.

A huge issue I’ve had in the past has been my patience and tolerance, or lack thereof, in a multitude of situations. I think the happiness factor has a huge effect on this. Since I’ve experienced a lot of personal growth and change, I’m a lot more patient and laid back than I ever have been in the past. I’m able to laugh frustration or embarrassment off and my anxiety has reduced more than I thought it could. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my moments but the way I react and respond to those has changed in a more positive and healthier way.

I think the major takeaway I hope you all can get, is that love is about trust, communication, and having an equal partnership. Supporting one another, being there for each other, and learning how to be selfless are important for making any relationship stronger. Being able to find these in a partnership, even if some areas require a little more work, can create a beautiful and fresh outlook on life and how you walk through it.

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Hey ladies! I'm a senior exercise and sports science major at IC. I love writing for HC, riding horses, and long walks on the beach!