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How to Deal With Noisy Neighbors

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Dealing with (a) roommate(s) is one thing — neighbors are another. No matter what, at some point in your life you’ve had, have, or will have neighbors that drive you insane (especially if they live upstairs).

The situations vary: either you know and love them and don’t know how to tell them to stop running around and making the noises of elephants running for their lives; OR you don’t know them, or not well enough to make any real judgement about them and who they are — except that they annoy you. Either way you need a solution, simply for the sake of your sanity.

There are many ways of going about this but the most effective is talking to them. Knock on the door and just tell them that you understand how it’s hard to be aware of the noise we make, but that you try to be considerate and you would really appreciate if they were a little more mindful, at least at early and late hours of the day.

Another approach is less assertive, but can be as effective: write them a note. A polite one. Hostile or passive aggressive notes never work — at least not in the long run. But, if it helps, write out the note you wish you could give them to get out your anger, and then write the real one you’ll give them.

Another approach would be reaching out to a mutual friend. If you know someone that knows them, mention (again, politely), how you’ve been having trouble focusing, sleeping (whatever it may be), and ask if they could mention it when they notice that they are being loud.

Lastly, you need to realize you could be doing the same mistake they are. We are all louder than we think. Walls are thinner than we think. And everyone has things going on in their lives. We can all be a little bit more aware of how we behave.

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Shayna DePersia is from New York City. She's an Integrated Marketing and Communications major at Ithaca College's Roy H. Park School of Communications. She'd love to have a job in the creative department of an advertising agency when she graduates in 2018. While that's how she'd want to start her career off, her dreams include a talk show, and more importantly, to one day have a foster home in NYC (and expand upstate.) While she's the Social Media Director for Her Campus Ithaca (HCIC,) she loves writing articles when she can the most! P.S. You can call her Shay