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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Merriam-Webster defines a soulmate as “a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament.” Oxford dictionary goes even further and defines a soulmate as “a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.” However you define a soulmate, there is no mistaking the special bond two people share. This bond can be shared between a couple in a romantic way or between friends in a platonic way. There are no limits to soulmates but here are a few telltale signs to confirm what you may already be feeling.

1. They have your back and you have theirs.

Mutual respect and support are crucial to building a solid foundation to any relationship, especially a soulmate. By supporting one another you are demonstrating the depth of your feelings for them. Nothing says “I appreciate you” more than listening to someone when they’re upset or bringing them a gift on a bad day or simply spending time with them.


2. Attraction is present.           

Something about them is often on your mind, whether you admire their confidence, their informative comments in class or their really cute butt. There’s something about this person that draws you in and makes you want to get to know them better.


3. You’re on the same wavelength.

It’s crazy, but when you say “pizza” they’re already ordering it on Grubhub at your go-to place. It’s like mind reading is suddenly possible, but only between the two of you.


4. You’re the same level of weird.

Those inner thoughts you’ve tried your whole life to hide suddenly spill out around them but they completely vibe with it. Now you have someone to share all your fart stories with judgment-free because they’ll be sharing their own stories too.



Communication is so important in any relationship and usually a constant struggle in most relationships. But in yours, you seem to be able to communicate effectively with each other. Of course, it will always be something to work out, especially when you reach a disagreement but you both recognize the importance of communication and are willing to put in the work.


6. It’s intense.

Since you are so well suited to each other you may become closer sooner than you have before. Whether you’re best friends within a few weeks or seriously dating sooner than expected. As long as it’s a pace you’re both comfortable with and you can communicate that comfortably, it is perfectly fine to be moving at a faster pace than you may have done before or than your friends are going at. Everyone and every relationship is different.


7. You’re gut told you so.

If you’re gut instinct says this is someone you consider your soulmate (like clicking on this article and thinking of a certain person) then odds are that they are in fact your soulmate.

Allaire is an inquisitive and confident lady who loves to watch reruns of her favorite shows (Bones anyone?) and enjoy the finer things in life like sand in between her toes, the sun on her skin and chocolate ice cream. Allaire is a senior Sociology major and Women and Gender Studies minor with aspirations to be a human rights lawyer and a songwriter. She is passionate about music, traveling and social justice.