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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.


In free time, I find that writing is a great way to pass time but also a great way to express your feelings in times of uncertainty. This is a great stress reliever if you’re feeling overwhelmed or extremely anxious! It doesn’t have to be spectacular, just be honest!

Draw or Paint

This is a good way to discover your surroundings and be aware! In uncertain times, people often dissociate so this is a great way to help you be more aware and calm at the same time. Again, it doesn’t need to be perfect!

Learn a New Language!

Or practice one that you’re already learning! New languages always come in handy and it would be really helpful if you want to meet new (foreign) online friends during this time!


This is very fun and another way I help get my mind off of things going on! Try it and have fun! 

At Home Facials

I usually do use a cleanser first, then facial steam, then a facepack, oil and finally moisturizer but you can add whatever you’d like! Make it your own!

This technically doesn’t count but is a good reminder for everyone! Wash your hands for 20 seconds multiple times during the day and use hand sanitizer please! And don’t bulk buy!! And keep your distance from others (at least 6 ft!).

I'm a business administration major here at Ithaca College and I enjoy writing about things that mean a lot to me!