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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Indy chapter.

I met my best friend in 2004. Yep, you read that correctly. 2004. About 15 years ago, we were 5, it was the first day of kindergarten. We have the same name so our moms were all like, “you guys can be best friends,” and of course we were. Ever since then we’ve been tied at the hip. We’ve had our ups and downs, obviously, name one power duo that doesn’t have at least one little fight. Might’ve taken some breaks, but at the end of the day; you never lose a real friend. Any time during our separations she needed me, I was there. Any time I needed her, she was there. Long-term friendships are genuinely the key to living your best life. If you don’t have one, get one. If you have one, kidnap her and keep her locked in your basement so she can’t leave. (Kidding.) I know finding a friend, in general, is pretty hard these days, let alone a “for life” best friend, but you’re better off for it. Having that friend you know you can go to whenever it is really comforting. 

Having that one friend is important for your mental health and your happiness. Now, you’re probably like: “is it though?” Yes. Yes, it is. They keep you in check, let you know you’re not crazy and support you when you feel like you are. Juggling schoolwork, work, and relationships can be a hassle but if you have this kind of friend, they understand. They don’t pressure you into communicating every day, they understand and they support. They help keep your world balanced, and they’re a safe place to go when the rest of the world is too demanding. My best friend got me through the hardest semester in college, just by letting me rant and picking me back up when I fell. She non-stop supports me, my dreams, and my choices even though most of them are pretty questionable.

In your first year you probably also made questionable decisions. (I was one once, no shame.) I bet your best friend supported you till the end, didn’t she? Take the time out of your busy schedule and thank her for being an amazing human. Girls support girls and finding one who does it out of love is amazing. Everyone deserves a friend like that. So go find one, or send love to the one you have. We appreciate our friends this way, and if they’re really good friends, and they go as hard for you as mine does, you’re blessed. Utterly and completely blessed. My best friend is my entire heart, and if you’re lucky enough to find your soulmate in your best friend; you’re lucky. Some people go through their entire lives without finding a bond like that, appreciate it. 


Professional Writing Major Literature and coffee lover