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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Indy chapter.

While we all know that final exams, final projects, and papers are looming, it is important to remember that you come first. Self-care is most important during such a stressful time like finals week. Take breaks doing things you like to do whether that’s for a short amount of time or for longer. For example, taking a bath, working out, reading, or watching a show/movie you like. It’s okay to take breaks and it’s okay to feel certain emotions during such a stressful time; sadness, anger, tiredness, etc… This is only for a short amount of time and then you will have the whole summer to rest up, and rejuvenate or do whatever it is you need to do. To help make finals week a little easier I highly recommend taking the time to spring clean and go through the things that have collected up over the past year. Packing things away that you won’t need during finals week will help you feel less stressed and more carefree when you have to ultimately move everything out of your dorm after finals are finally finished and the school year comes to a close. It will just be less work to do on top of your assignments and things you need to study for. As soon as you’re done with your tests the better you are going to feel when you can finally enjoy the onslaught of summer and warmer weather. Another thing I highly recommend is studying with a group whether that is with friends or classmates. With the right friends, working together will help you minimize distractions and keep you on the right track to doing well on those finals. While doing well on these exams is what is most important, it is also important to take breaks and have a few laughs with friends as well; and you will be able to feel more energized and keep going. You’re almost there! It is such a short amount of time and it’s not going to take up the rest of our lives. So, you got this!

My name is Gabbi. I am a psychology and PTA major:)