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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Picture this: you failed a test, you’re fighting with your boyfriend and your manager at work is stressing you out. You can’t help but feel hopeless and all you want to do is curl up in your bed and sleep (or cry). Sometimes life has unexpected ways of throwing curveballs your way. We have no control over the challenges that arise, but we do have control over our response to these unfavorable situations. As a senior in college, I’ve had my fair share of dreadful circumstances to overcome and I have made it out alive. With the right tools to deal with whatever may come at you, you’ll survive just fine.

Try Journaling

I once heard the quote “A problem written down is a problem half-solved” and it has resonated with me ever since. Writing down exactly what the issue is may help you realize that the problem exists on a much larger scale in your head than on the outside. Overthinking about our issues allows them to become much bigger than they need to be. I find that taking time during the day to journal a little bit helps calm me down and gives me a new perspective when I see what’s written down in front of me. You may even realize the solution to your problem as you go through this process!

Seek Support and connect with people

Searching for help in the right places and connecting with the right people always benefits you. If you’re struggling in school, you might find that attending office hours might help tremendously. Try going consistently once a week for a few weeks and see if you see a difference in your understanding of the material. Oftentimes, you don’t even need to bring questions, you can just work on your homework and if you stumble upon something you’re unsure of you have a person there to explain it to you. Seeking support when going through hard times is equally as important. Surround yourself with genuine friends who care about your well-being and want you to succeed. If you find it necessary to do so, seeking professional help to talk things out is always an option as well. Most universities have counselors or therapists on campus.

Focus on self-care

Times may get rough but remembering to take care of yourself is important. You can’t perform if you’re not with it mentally or physically. Self-care comes in different forms and it’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some examples include exercising, eating nutritiously, trying deep breathing techniques, finding a creative outlet, making a point to get enough sleep or spending time outdoors. Find what method may be the most attainable for you and your schedule and try to be consistent with implementing that into your daily or weekly life. I know that when I take the time to care for myself, I have increased productivity and a more positive outlook on life.

Hi everyone, my name is Solomiya and I am a junior majoring in Kinesiology at UIUC. Though I study within a STEM related field, I have always loved the arts- especially writing. I am so excited to be on this team and rekindle that writer's spark!