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Riends Pizza College Party Food
Riends Pizza College Party Food
Molly Longest / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Being a great friend is not an easy task and there’s no such thing as a perfect friend. With that being said, I’ve compiled a list of the things I admire and appreciate most about my closest friends. I think this article is to hopefully help you, but also to help myself keep these tips in mind!

1. Listen To Them

People, regardless of what they say, love to talk and, even more, love to have someone listening. This is something I really try to remember when talking with my friends. I know I have a tendency to talk and talk, but what has really helped me with this is setting boundaries with myself. I try to remind myself that conversations are about the other person and that I need to focus very hard on listening to what my friend is saying. I know this seems simple but your friends will notice and your relationships will become stronger. Listening and really being engaged in conversations will most certainly grow healthy relationships. 

Anna Schultz-Friends Cuddling In Holiday Pajamas
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

2. Go Support Them

The times in my life that I’ve felt the most loved by my friends is when they came to support me at different events. The best feeling is running off the stage or court and seeing all your friends. It can be really hard to make it to every event, but going a few times, or at least trying, means the world. 

3. Run Errands With Them

The people I consider my closest friends are the ones that wouldn’t let me go to the grocery store alone. The deepest talks and hardest laughs I’ve had with my friends have been in between errands in the car. The people I know I can count on are always the ones who are willing to do stupid “adult” things with me. Be someone your friends can count on and have fun doing returns.

Anna Schultz-Girls In Gas Station With Junk Food
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

4. Check Up On Things

When you do all the things I’ve listed above, it’s incredibly likely that they will tell you serious things going on in their life. The best thing you can do is genuinely check up on them. Whether it’s someones health, a relationship status or just an exam they’re worried about, checking back up on those things really means a lot. Going back to the first tip, it means so much for someone to actually listen to what you say and even more for them to care enough to check on how things are going.

At the University of Illinois, I am privileged to be writing as a Blogger for Her Campus. Specifically about me, I am a dog lover, coffee drinker, and life enthusiast. Thank you for reading and if you want to see more of me- @xzoelewis will get you to me on all platforms.
The official page for the University of Illinois Her Campus chapter.