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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Let’s face it: summer is officially over. Now that we’re in October, gone are the end-of-summer days where the weather is cool in the morning, hot in the afternoon and warm at night. And although, it gets dark earlier and the weather begins to cool, there’s something good about the world going to sleep earlier as it’s a reminder that you need to rest too. 

As fall quickly comes into full swing, there’s a possibility that your body hasn’t come to terms with the fact that fall is here to stay. Here are three ways that I am preparing for a fall reset and how I plan to transition into the season:

embrace that fall is here

Although, I’m sad to see summer go, I’m happy that fall has arrived. To see the transition of the lush, green leaves into the resplendent leaves is a beautiful phenomenon and I never take it for granted, especially because it comes only once a year. The thing that I love the most about fall is the tranquility and slowness it brings to my life. Additionally, fall is an indication of the holiday season approaching and I always look forward to spending time with my family.

treat yourself to seasonal delights

Pumpkin spice lattes (PSLs) and cinnamon-scented candles conquer the fall lineup for delights. Although they’re not on everyone’s palate, scents like apple cider, sandalwood and cranberry, or flavors such as pecan, pumpkin and caramel help set the mood for the rest of the season. This fall, I challenge you to try a treat that includes a fall flavor or light a candle that fills your house with autumn joy. A personal favorite treat of mine is the pumpkin spice doughnut from Dunkin’ Donuts and my personal favorite fall scent is the Pumpkin Pancakes candle from Opalhouse, available at Target. I used to not have an interest in fall scents and treats, but as time went on, I found some type of joy in looking forward to these things every year.

prepare for the cold weather

It feels like just last week there were temperatures in the seventies. Now, sixty degrees is me getting lucky. Luckily, there is still time to rock a windbreaker, but now is also the time to purchase a winter coat, a hat, a scarf and some gloves that are touchscreen friendly. In addition to this, I have prepared for the cold weather by purchasing immunity vitamins to help my body transition over to the cooler weather more smoothly, as my body will eventually respond to the transition of seasons by giving me a common cold. I have also invested in iron and Vitamin D supplements as well. It is also wise to purchase some type of winter boots in addition to long socks and undergarments that are thicker in material (preferably cotton) that provide comfort and warmth for the winter.

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Camara Thomas

Illinois '23

I'm a junior at the University of Illinois studying Agriculture and Consumer Economics, with a concentration in Financial Planning. I also am a Spanish minor. I do enjoy reading, writing and of course, traveling.