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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

The fight for girls’ education was a long and difficult process. In fact, the issue wasn’t truly addressed until the mid-1900s. Despite the progress made over the past few decades, discrimination against girls is still very much a problem. Equal education isn’t just about getting girls into the classroom; it’s also about girls feeling supported in the areas in which they choose to study. Gender-equitable education empowers both girls and boys to develop important life skills that can benefit themselves and others around the world. Skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, reading, writing, and more are crucial for helping young people succeed. Continue reading to learn more about girls’ education and why we should encourage it!

reducing discrimination

Educated girls are able to gain more confidence through their knowledge and experiences. As a result, they are more likely to know their rights and stand up for themselves in male-dominated situations. The issue still persists that girls aren’t granted the same opportunities as men due to cultural beliefs about their gender roles. Education will give girls the confidence they need to show their potential in the workforce and in other parts of their lives. Additionally, girls are commonly overlooked for promotions or leadership positions due to the surrounding stereotypes. Their potential to take on these positions is often underestimated. Working towards eliminating discrimination against girls will set the stage for overall growth and success for everyone.

leading a healthy life

Girls who receive an education are more knowledgeable about what a healthy lifestyle should look like. Whether it’s learning about nutrition, hygiene, or even just showing up to PE… girls can use these courses to learn how to keep themselves and their future families healthy. Educating girls about health can also help them avoid risky behaviors, prevent mental and physical illnesses, and improve their general quality of life. Health-related education is crucial to a girl’s overall development!

contributing to society

Giving girls access to education has the power to benefit entire communities. They are able to make informed decisions in their everyday lives and in less personal decisions such as voting. From an economic standpoint, successful and independent girls are more likely to secure well-paying jobs, leading to a higher household income and better living standards. They also have the potential to take on careers that create more job opportunities for others, like starting a business. Making an investment in girls’ education is needed for building strong communities that are knowledgeable in these areas!

If you take away one thing from this, take pride. Be proud of yourself for graduating high school or going to college as a woman. Be proud of working an internship or job as a woman. Be proud of your ability to be independent as a woman. As education activist Malala Yousufzai once said: “We cannot succeed when half of us are held back.”  

Lauren Cravens

Illinois '25