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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Throughout the last two and a half years, I have had the pleasure of taking a variety of classes across multiple different subject areas. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has an extensive course catalog and I have been lucky enough to get to experience many of these fascinating classes. Throughout this article, I will provide you with a list of my personal favorites and give a brief synopsis of each. Without further ado, sit back, relax and enjoy reading all about the most interesting classes that are offered!

STAT 100

Although this may be a controversial opinion, Statistics 100 at UIUC is one of the best General Education classes available. Karle Flanagan, the professor for this course, holds office hours every day of the week and creates in-depth videos on how to solve problems. Even if you are not typically fond of math, the way in which this course is taught allows for easy understanding. Though dealing with technical topics the course is ultimately attainable and will help further polish your analytical skills.

CMN 102

Easily one of my favorite Communication classes, CMN 102 is the perfect introduction to the major. The class covers a multitude of topics and is taught by Bryan Quick who makes every class feel like an interactive TED Talk. Another perk of the class is that it is taught in the beautiful and bright Lincoln Hall Theater. The lecture introduces anything from health communication to organizational practices to nonverbal cues. If you are looking to learn all about what Communication entails this is the perfect class for you!

LAW 305

Although I am currently enrolled in this course, I am already thrilled with how the semester is going. Taught by Professor Travis McDade, the class mainly revolves around Art and Cultural Property Law. There is also going to be a small section on music if you are curious about learning about the intersection of law and all of your favorite musicians. If you have any interest in the legal field, I cannot recommend the class enough! The readings are interesting and class discussions are engaging. 

CMN 213

I wouldn’t be a Communication major if I didn’t add another CMN class to the article. In general, the major is incredibly interesting, interactive and informative. Small Group Communication is a class that I took my first semester on campus and has provided me with skills that have allowed me to thrive throughout my time here. Students are put into teams with a common goal and the course does a superb job at building interpersonal skills. My course was taught by a Teacher Assistant, but I know that all of the Communication professors are wonderful and highly competent on the topics discussed.

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Lauren Reidy

Illinois '25

Hi! My name is Lauren and I am a Junior majoring in Communication with minors in both Business and Public Relations at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am from Chicago, IL and joined Her Campus my first semester of college to find a group of passionate and empowering women to surround myself with. I love reading books, writing, listening to Taylor Swift, drinking coffee, and taking group fitness classes. I'm so excited that you are on this journey with me, thanks for following along!