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Your Happiness is Worth More Than Anything

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

The pressure of college can be the most overwhelming and rewarding experience. Everyday we are faced with external and internal struggles, yet the most amazing opportunities present themselves to us everywhere. I’m sure most of you can relate to this on a deeper, more personal level. Anything and everything has the ability to capture our thoughts, feelings and emotional state. Being six weeks into school, many are already feeling the effects of our demanding college lifestyles. Whether it be with classes, making time for your studies, friends, juggling work, or staying involved in clubs and sports, we all have our own struggles. The stress can begin to feel like a burden. 

Despite all these pressures – like the title says – your happiness is worth more than anything. Enrolling yourself in college has allowed you to begin taking the steps for your own personal growth and experience. If no one else is telling you this right now, or you haven’t heard it in a while, then I’ll gladly tell you. I am proud of you. Great job on trying your best or working to do the best you can. We are all human and together we are united by this feeling of empathy for one another. If you’re reading this, you are just as awesome as your biggest dream makes you out to be.

I’m sure since coming to school you’ve been faced with difficulties, but against all the odds these difficulties have began to pay off.  Here you are, doing amazing and excelling because unlike so many others in this country, you’ve been given the privilege to achieve a higher education. You may be asking, what if I haven’t seen anything pay off yet? Give it time. I firmly believe time is the biggest asset one needs to truly embrace new situations. We may want to sit idly by, but before we even realize it, we are transforming into better versions of ourselves. This article is a celebration of you, everything you’ve accomplished, and what you set yourself out to achieve in the future. 

Often individuals get too wrapped up into the stresses and small things in life. In the midst of all this chaos, we get lost looking at the big picture. Trust me, I’m the biggest culprit when it comes to stressing out. It’s so easy to freak out about that one exam you’ve failed or the job you didn’t get. As people, we want so badly to be able to control the outcome of everything going around us. Not having the ability to control life makes us weary or angry. We want a say in what happens to us, but ultimately life just happens… no matter how we feel about it.  It’s a notion we must learn to accept.  Controlling our reactions is the hardest part. Although we can’t control what falls into our path, we are still in control of the reactions we have and how we demonstrate our feelings.

I am someone who literally lives by my planner. If it’s not written down, you better know that I’m not going to remember it. No matter your system of tracking your daily activities, you do control one thing: your outlook. You may never be able to control what happens to you, but you will always have the ability to remain strong, persevere and look at the situation differently. Only you can control your happiness, so with everything you do make yourself the happiest.  Remain humble and encouraging for others around you. Be the light in a world surrounded by the many people who need that one person to show them true happiness.

People will find happiness in their perspectives on life. You have dreams and aspirations for yourself. We all do. I’m encouraging you to go for it and never give up on them. Dreams are things we will always have, no matter what age. Your dream may change, but you should always be seeking that dream for whatever it is.

No one ever gets everything in life that they haven’t worked their hardest to obtain. If you want anything in life and work hard enough, it will happen.  Say you don’t achieve it in the way you had thought you would? It hasn’t happened right away? Use your optimistic lens to find that happiness. Keep that dedication and work at an all time high. Do what your passionate about and find happiness in that work. Prioritize the need to be you, be different and seek self-improvement.

Sometimes you have to become comfortable in the uncomfortable. Our lives are going to be filled with new, exciting and invigorating experiences. However, that doesn’t mean you’re never going to encounter those awkward interactions or lose a sense of belonging when surrounded by people we’ve never met. Doing new things is hard. All you can do is refrain from being negative and keep on doing something until you achieve it. Activities you’re passionate about will transform your own self happiness and ideas of success. That’s why you’re in school at a college level institution.  Against all these pressures we’re currently faced with, the benefits out weigh them all. 

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Emily Long

Illinois State

Contributor account for Illinois State