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Tennis Shoes And Water Bottle
Her Campus Media

Why becoming a cycling instructor changed my life.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

I attended cycle class in high school but never stuck with it. But I didn’t fall in love with cycling until college. I fell in love with attending black light cycle classes and early morning rise rides. My first year at Illinois State was online so going to these classes was always the highlight of my day. From the lockdown, I was struggling overall with getting back into fitness. Once I started going every week, I saw my overall physical and mental health improve immensely. During my freshmen year, I learned that I didn’t just go to a cycling class because I have nothing better to do, I went because there is some sort of driving force getting you there — whether that’s fitness, stress relief, cardiovascular endurance or maybe because your friend is dragging you along.

When I am on the bike, I feel like I am on top of the world. I feel free. I feel like all my troubles have melted away and nothing else matters. I love it when I can hold a speed out of the saddle that a year ago I could not. I love it when I can keep a higher level and feel strong while doing it. I saw the positive impact all my cycle instructors had on me, and it inspired me to do the same. In the fall of my junior year, I went through ACE prep course to become certified to teach. In the spring of my junior year, Illinois Campus Recreation hired me as a cycling instructor –– a position that impacted me in more ways than I could ever describe. With dimmed lights, a throbbing sound system and surging adrenaline, the 45 minutes I spend on a stationary bike inside ISU rec studio are some of the sole times during the week I feel inspired, challenged, and, most importantly, alive.  

Teaching is an incredible experience. People come to you to feel better about themselves, to feel happy and to become healthier. As a teacher I learned that music really carries the class: It gets people excited; provides a beat for people to follow and motivates them to work harder. I change our playlists for every class — occasionally will add a theme to each one such as Britney VS JT or a Taylor Swift class!

I now have such a positive attitude in life thanks to cycling. My loved ones can attest to the fact that I am now happy. I feel good about myself, and my confidence has grown immensely.  I’d advise other riders to have pleasure in their efforts. Change whatever makes you a little happier and more eager to look forward to your next workout, whether it’s your song, route or attire.

If you are ever thinking of becoming an instructor, this is your sign to do it. If you are thinking of going to cycle class or any group fitness class, DO IT. I teach cycle classes at 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday at Illinois State Rec, hope to see you there!

Moira McGuire

Illinois State '24