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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

College is such a new thing for many of us. We are so used to going to the same school for 12 years and growing up with the same people.


This is it. It is your first year of college! You are super excited, but also nervous. Did you bring too much? Did you save enough money? Are you going to make friends? What should you join? How are your roommates? This is just a few of the many questions new freshmen ask when entering their first year. Here are a few things new college students should know before their first year!


1. Leave that sweatshirt at home

We are so used to having all of our clothes in one area for us to pick and choose from depending on the weather, but at college, you do not have a lot of space. The dorm rooms are so tiny, so you can only take about ¼ of the clothes you have in your wardrobe. If you are debating on whether you need to bring that extra sweatshirt, or that skirt, LEAVE IT AT HOME. Chances are you will never wear that skirt and that sweatshirt will be left in your closet taking up space.


2. Pack what you ACTUALLY USE

If you are someone who has a full Alex Nine drawer full of makeup, you do not need to bring all of that to college. Pack what you actually use. It is hard to know what you might need when it comes to your day to day life, but most likely if you don’t use it at home you won’t use it at college.

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3. Wait to buy your school supplies

This is a HUGE mistake incoming freshman make. Usually a few weeks before classes start, you are able to see your class schedule and the supplies you will need. Many classes require textbooks, blocks, clickers, or even reading books. WAIT UNTIL THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS BEFORE BUYING ANY SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Many professors will tell you on the first day of class what you will need in their syllabus. It is very often for a textbook to be required but some professors tell you that you will not need it. This will save you so much money in the long run.

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4. Join RSO’s, but don’t join too many.

In high school we always heard, “Get involved,” but in college that is a little different. You may think you have a lot of extra time in college for clubs and activities but in reality, you won’t. If you like having a busy schedule, then go for it. If you honestly want to be in a certain club, then go for it! But, don’t join a club or organization just because you want to or it “seems fun”. You have to be committed to the things you join because they take time.

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5. You don’t need that t-shirt.

What every freshman gets succumbed to is buying t-shirts. If you are in a fraternity, sorority, or any other RSO, you will be surrounded by opportunities to buy apparel for that specific thing you are in. Trust me, you do not need to spend the $20 on that shirt. Maybe once in a while or if you have extra cash, but make sure you are saving your money for things that you really need like food.


These are just a few tips to think about when walking into your first year of college. Honestly, college is a blast and I think you will have so much fun. Don’t stress about the little things and focus on your studies. But, don’t forget to have some fun on the weekends!


Lots of Love,

Lil Boomer ♡

Jessica Hogeboom

Illinois State '22

ISU 2022 | Elementary Education Follow me on Instagram : @jesshogeboom
Contributor account for Illinois State