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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Getting involved on campus can be exciting but also super overwhelming. And if you’re a first-year/transfer student, this feeling is amplified. However, leaving your dorm room is one of the most important things to do to integrate and discover yourself. At this point of the semester, you might feel as if you lost your chance to join campus clubs or attend events. Don’t worry, because there are always things to do on and around campus. Hopefully, this article will give you an idea of where to start.

Join a club/RSO

Illinois State has a TON of RSO (resisted student organization) options. I can guarantee there is a club for your niche. They have everything from a board game club to a math tutoring club. Here are some RSOs that I’ve enjoyed taking part in (they are still accepting members too):

  • Her Campus: Yes, you can contribute to the website you’re using right now! I’ve been writing for Her Campus for almost a year now, and I *love* it. It’s a wonderful experience that allows you to develop your writing, share your writing and meet people who enjoy writing (neat, huh). The environment is relaxed, and the members are kind and supportive. The coolest part is you can write about whatever interests you! So, it’s a way for you to get to know yourself through what you create. I can’t recommend writing for Her Campus enough.
  • Vocal Movement: Do you love to sing? Yeah. Do you love to dance? Absolutely. Well, do I have the club for you! Vocal Movement is ISU’s only show choir group. You don’t have to be a super-skilled singer or dancer to become a member, which is great for people like me who enjoy both but aren’t perfect at either. It’s one reason I’ve enjoyed this club. I get to explore my passions without an immense amount of pressure or judgment. All the group members are lively and encouraging. I’ve met some fantastic friends this semester thanks to Vocal Movement.
  • College Mentors for Kids: If you’re an education major or looking for volunteer opportunities, then College Mentors for Kids might be your calling. Under the ISU chapter, you’ll be assigned to a little buddy from Bent Elementary. Each week you meet with your little buddy to take part in fun activities created by the executive board of the club. The goal of this RSO is to connect college students to the local community. You get to be a role model; your purpose is to get kids interested in higher education. I was a mentor last semester, and it was really special forming a connection with my little buddy. She looked up to me and often copied my jokes. As the weeks progressed, I saw her come out of her shell more and more. It was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. Not only did I get to teach her, but she also got to teach me.

If you want to know more about all the RSOs, check out Redbird Life.

Check the Events Page

The events page is the easiest way to keep up with ALL upcoming events. Everything is sorted by date and time. You can scroll through and mark your calendar so you don’t miss anything. The Center of Performing Arts’s events are included on this page, and they always have interesting events. From musicals to choral showcases, go to at least one show before you graduate.

When in doubt, there is always something going on at the Bone Center. This is the place where all students go to eat, work on projects and socialize. The auditoriums host amazing acts. Yung Gravy is coming on November 3rd and even famous magician, Michael Carbonaro, was here on October 1st. In addition, the Bone has a few internship fairs hosted throughout the year. Not to mention, they are always looking to hire students if you’re looking for a front desk or restaurant job. On Saturdays, they play movies at 7, which is a great way to get out of your room. And if you’re still stuck on how to get involved, the Student Involvement Center is located on the second floor. They have all the information about the RSOs, and I’m sure they can help you find a club that fits your interests.

Join your classes’ social media

The easiest way to connect with people your age is through social media. You can join groups based on your university and your graduation year. This includes Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Snap just added a feature that allows you to add a snap charm based on your school class. You can add the people that are a part of the group and contribute to a shared public story. People are always posting events and party details here.

deep breaths

I threw a lot of info at you, so take from it what you will. You can always come back to this article as a resource to refer back to. You have an endless amount of time to get involved, make memories and find a friend group that’s right for you (deep breaths). Everyone, and I mean everyone, is just as nervous and confused as you are (I’m a sophomore and still get lost). But that’s part of the reason we’re here. To stretch out of our comfort zones and develop into the people we want to be. Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t found your place right away. Trust me, with plenty of exploration (and even mistake-making), you’ll get there. The staff and students here want you to succeed, so never hesitate to reach out.

Isabel Crabtree

Illinois State '25

Hello everyone! I am a marketing student at Illinois State University. I love all things music, true crime, and self-improvement. I write to inspire and share what I've learned. Thank you for reading!