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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

It’s the beginning of first semester! Life in college is stressful and busy, so cutting out that extra ten minutes to wash your hair can sometimes be useful. Don’t be afraid to go a few days in-between washes. Trust me, you can still rock dirty hair, and I will tell you how.


1. Dry shampoo is your new best friend

 I discovered this my freshman year of college and it was life changing to say the least. My favorite is Batiste because it doesn’t leave my hair feeling oily and there are so many amazing scents to chose from.


Ran out of dry shampoo? Don’t fret, use baby powder instead. It may be a little messier, but you will get the same results.


2. Braids are your best friends

There are so many possibilities with this! Go for the simple three strand braid and a baseball cap for that athleisure look. Or spice it up a little bit with two French braids. The world is yours, so rock it however you want to.


3. Rock the top knot

Let’s keep it simple and just throw your hair up into that twisted bun that reminds you of all your sporting days. If you have any fun headbands, here’s the time to use them. Pull out some face framing pieces of hair and you’re good to go.


If you do not have any, here are some cute ones to check out for your future in “third-day hair” styles.

Linked HERE is a twist headband in a fun color

Linked HERE is a simpler headband in a floral print. 


4. Beach Waves

Sometimes you want to go the extra mile, which is totally okay. Break out that curling iron and throw some waves in your hair. Use a texturizing spray to give it that “I still look good even though I only spent 10 minutes doing this” vibe. To complete the look, you can leave it all down or do a half-up do so you do not have to worry about constantly pushing hair out of your face.


We are all just trying to pretend we have our lives together without looking like a total mess. So next time you find yourself skipping washing your hair for a few extra minutes of sleep, just know you always have these options! 

Trisha Fritz

Illinois State '19

Hi I am Trisha- a natural born leader with a proven track record on taking chaotic situations and turning them into something great and a wannabe pop-culture expert. I am graduating Illinois State University in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism with a minor in Writing. In college, I worked at the schools TV station, TV-10. While in school, I’ve managed and motivated my peers in the communication area while balancing a hectic work schedule in the service industry. Do not let my wittiness fool you, this is all just a plan for world domination.
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