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Struggles of cooking for yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Struggles of cooking for yourself

            Living alone is all fun and games until you have to come home after four classes, three club meetings and two study group sessions to a kitchen full of uncooked food. Yeah, you could always whip out the ramen and relive your dorm days, but when you have a bunch of groceries you bought in hopes of making your fave Tasty recipe – you put on an apron and become Martha freaking Stewart. Though not always easy or fun, cooking for yourself is necessary and helpful in making you the adult you always wanted to be, even if it does come with hella struggles.

        1. Having to actually go to the grocery store to buy your own food.

It’s hard to know how much food you need when you first live alone. You find yourself in the grocery aisle at Walmart thinking, “do I really need this entire jug of Moschino Cherries?” and usually, you don’t. Unless you have an ice cream parlor in your apartment. So, finding the perfect balance of fruit cups and packets of uncooked bacon is something that comes with practice.

 2. Learning how to cook your favorite recipes.

Growing up watching your parents cook and seeing them make it seem so easy really humbles you when you find yourself googling, “how to cook chicken,” while you’re staring at a package of raw meat. The internet is a great resource especially with all of the 30-second recipe videos on Facebook, but the part you don’t see is how you have to have all of those ingredients ready to go when cooking. Salt bae isn’t going to show up to season your food for you, so making sure you have all of the necessary tools to make those recipes you’re dying to try sucks.


Sometimes it takes so long to cook your food that by the time it’s done you’re there like, “what day is it?” “How long have I been here?” “Am I even hungry anymore?” It’s annoying.

4. It doesn’t always come out the way you expected it to.

Spending a lot of time cooking and following the directions on the mashed potatoes box to find yourself trying to get the burnt tatoes off the pot is super upsetting. The only thing you can do is try to be better next time.

5. Sometimes you just get super lazy.

There are going to be times you find yourself reaching for the easy mac box and calling it a day. Ain’t nobody got time for that all the time.

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