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Staying Home During Spring Break As Told By Dwight Schrute

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Spring break is upon us and this means vacation, making memories, and no school…for some at least. For the rest of us that can’t afford to go get drunk on a beach for a week, it’s back to the suburbs. Going home for some time isn’t awful and could be nice to just relax with your family. But when the cabin fever starts to kick in this is when being home becomes a problem. So to explain the whirlwind of emotions you feel when you’re home for a full week I have looked to a very wise man: Mr. Dwight Schrute.

1.  When you walk in and finally see your dog.

2.  Seeing that one friend who has break at the same time as you.

3.  The first day your parents are at work and you dance around for hours.

4.  Looking through the kitchen and thinking, ‘it’s all free and all mine.’

5.  A few days in and you’ve done nothing but watch The Office.


6.  When you start to get a little weird from being alone so long.

7.  Okay maybe extra weird, you need to leave the house.

8.  The second you leave your home and go to a populated area.

9.  When your parents ask you what your friends are doing for spring break.

10.  The week comes closer to an end you think, “wait, I’m going to miss my family.”


11.  Coming to the realization it’s good to spend time at home and at school.

Samantha Cedano

Illinois State

Contributor account for Illinois State