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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.
As a senior, I feel like I am constantly being hit with the question “What’s next?” This question mostly comes from relatives and professors but the scariest person it comes from is myself. 
Lately, I’ve been struggling to find the balance between: “This is your last year. Enjoy the instant access to your friends, having a flexible schedule, and the fact that some activity almost always seems to be going on.” and “Every day is one day closer to graduation. What are you doing to prepare yourself for the real world?”
As the semester sails by, the question of “What’s next?” is becoming more and more pressing. The thought of deciding how I want to spend the rest of my life is incredibly stressful. One minute, I want to go to graduate school. The next minute, I want to take some time off and travel. The next day, I want to get a “real job” and use the skills I’ve acquired in my time at Illinois State.
It’s difficult at such a young age to know what the best option is. However, even though this is scary, we should find comfort in the fact that we’re not alone. Thousands of others just on this campus alone are feeling the worry and confusion about the next step in life.
Through this semester, I’ve slowly been coming to terms with how to adapt to this change. The most important thing I’ve learned is that this next step is not the definitive step. We shouldn’t limit ourselves to one idea or one option.
Thanks to friends and family, I’ve learned that there is nothing stopping me from attending grad school, traveling and getting a real job. Also, it’s important to keep in mind that these steps do not have to be done in a particular order.
While this time in our lives is overwhelming, make sure you take the time to stop and ask yourself what you truly want. If you’re feeling you need to go against the grain and not take a “real job” right away, go with that instinct. Everything will eventually work itself out and post-graduation is the best time to learn about who you are and what you truly want.
If you’re feeling lost and confused about what should come next in life, it’s okay – you’re not alone. Take this time to enjoy your remaining months of college while learning to be true to yourself. Think about what you want out of life and don’t be afraid to pursue that.
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Taylor Leddin

Illinois State

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