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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As the weather gets colder and the days get darker, it can get hard to find the motivation to do normal daily tasks. With winter comes cold weather, finals and seasonal depression, so we all have to stay on top of our mental health. Right now, stress and anxiety are high, and it can feel like each day has no end. It’s important that we all take mental health breaks to make it through. 

Mental health is a lot more important than you might have previously thought. It’s just as important as physical health because it affects how you think, feel and act. Depression actually increases your risk for many types of long-lasting physical health problems like diabetes, heart disease and stroke. What should you do if you realize that you may be struggling with your mental health? The first step is knowing that you are not alone. About 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year and more than 50% will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime. Learning how to keep yourself in a balanced state of mind will get you through any hardships life throws at you. 

There are many ways to cope with seasonal depression in particular. Some healthy ways to cope with seasonal depression can be meditation, talking to a therapist, or just setting aside personal time for yourself every day. Every person is different, and when it comes to mental health, we all have unique methods of coping. Some advice I would give is waking up 30 minutes earlier than when you normally get up so that you have adequate time to work through a meditation to center yourself for the day. Another good option is to journal. If you are overwhelmed or even just sad, you can write about it. This ensures that you don’t bottle up your feelings and instead address any and all emotions you are experiencing. 

If you’re looking for smaller changes that can help with your mental health, you can start by getting enough sleep each night, making sure you’re eating enough nutrient-filled foods and taking some time to exercise. Or, if you are the type of person who likes spending free time with others, you could make sure to set time aside to call, text, or hang out with people who make you happy and make you feel like the best version of yourself. It not only will help your mental health but it is a good way to check in with the people you care about as well. 

Overall, there are many different reasons why having good mental health is important. It will make you physically healthier, happier and stronger. Never take your time for granted, and never overlook your mental health. Just know that you have people to support you and the only person who can truly control how you are feeling is you.

Julia Perrone

Illinois State '24

Julia Perrone is a Sophomore at Illinois State University studying Business Administration. She enjoys Big Brother, tigers, and the color pink. Julia has been a supervisor at lifetime fitness for two years and has recieved her Girl Scout Gold Award. She looks forward to empowering women through her future articles, and is excited to be a part of this community.