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Her Campus ISU and TWLOHA’s Week of H.O.P.E.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Last Thursday, Her Campus ISU joined To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) during their Week of H.O.P.E. To Write Love On Her Arms is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide hope for people dealing with addiction, depression, self-injury, or thoughts of suicide. Here at Illinois State University, there is a chapter of To Write Love On Her Arms that holds weekly meetings and events throughout the year, including Week of H.O.P.E. to support their mission.

In order for Her Campus ISU to connect with TWLOHA, we held a tabling event to capture the eyes of anyone who may want to learn more about the organization, or wanted to partake in the activities we offered. At the table, we had a large sheet of paper that read “what do you hope for the future of college women?” For anyone who wanted to enter themselves in a raffle or take a Her Campus prize, they had to write what they personally would like to see for college women.

The event’s table had numerous visitors and we hope that whoever had questions or was not informed about the organization before is now educated about TWLOHA’s amazing purpose.

To learn more about TWLOHA and how to get involved, here are their social media handles that could direct you to more information:

Facebook: To Write Love On Her Arms – Illinois State University

Instagram: @TWLOHA_ISU

Twitter: @ISU_TWLOHA

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