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Grocery Shopping Made Simple: Tips & Tricks For a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

I used to absolutely hate grocery shopping. It was the last thing I wanted to do (sometimes it still is). It’s hard to make healthy choices when picking up a simple box of Mac N’ Cheese just seems so much easier. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, thankfully! Since I’m in college now, I’ve had to grocery shop for myself. Honestly, I didn’t realize how complicated a simple task could be. There are so many things you have to think of when you go grocery shopping such as, Am I really going to eat this or let it sit in my fridge for 6 months? or Is this really healthy? Honestly, it’s a learning process and it takes a while to get the hang of it. But lucky for you, I have some tips and tricks I’ve learned over this past year that will help get you through it! 


1. Always Have a List

It’s hard to keep track of absolutely everything you’re going to need. I know what it’s like to forget to get the one thing you freakin’ went to the grocery store for and it can be frustrating! Having a list of the things you need on hand is a helpful way to remember everything you need during your biweekly trip to the grocery store. 


2. Plan Out Your Meals 

Meal planning sounds like a lot, but it can be super helpful when it comes to going to the store. This way you can be prepared when it comes to dinner time and you won’t overstock your fridge with unnecessary items that will probably expire because you’ll never eat them. 



3. Buy in Bulk….. Sometimes

Buying in bulk can be super helpful, but only when it makes sense. Buying chicken in bulk is probably not the smartest decision. But when it comes to things like toilet paper, flour, frozen fruit and canned fruits/veggies can be a cheaper way to buy the things you need the most. Plus, buying in bulk means it’ll be a while before you ever have to go down that toilet paper isle ever again. 


4. Buy Healthy Items for On-The-Go

As college students, we’re on the go pretty much all the time. If you’re anything like me, you probably oversleep for class a lot and don’t have time to either go to the dining hall or prepare a meal on your own. Buying healthy breakfast bars, on-the-go smoothies, or cups of yogurt are perfect when you’re running late but still want to eat healthy and stay full throughout the day. 


5. Buy Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

I’ve learned that buying fresh fruits and veggies isn’t exactly the smartest way to go, at least for me. Sometimes I end up buying too much and having an excess amount of green beans or I wait until the last minute to eat my bananas and they end up being super bruised. If you buy frozen, you don’t have to worry about that! Frozen fruits are perfect for smoothies and frozen veggies are perfect for when you want to get a serving of vegetables in. Throw them in the microwave and you’re good to go! 


6. Use Technology to Your Advantage

We’re in the day and age where there is literally an app for everything. There are apps out there that keep track of your pantry inventory for you, help you budget your money effectively, and help you pick out the healthier foods at the grocery store. These apps can also help you out in the coupon department as well. 

I know adulting can be hard, but I hope you find these tips and tricks on grocery shopping helpful! Grocery shopping can be so overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. As you get more familiar and comfortable with it, you’ll be able to make smart and healthy decisions based on what you need. 


Happy shopping! 





Alyssa Ginzburg

Illinois State '22

Hi! I'm Alyssa Ginzburg and I'm a Senior at ISU & I'm studying Middle Level Education! I love writing, fashion, and all things women empowering, which makes Her Campus the perfect environment to share my voice! Check out my Instagram and Twitter if you want to know more! :) Instagram: @alyssaginzburg Twitter: @AlyssaRhea1
Contributor account for Illinois State