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6 Ways To Stay On Top Of Your New Years Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

So here we are, three weeks into the New Year and let’s be honest, we’ve already slacked a little on our new year’s resolution. Never fear, slacking a little doesn’t mean that the improvement you want to make is out of reach. You have to stay organized and motivated and you totally got this.


1. Organization.

In order to stay on top of what you’re doing whether it be losing weight or studying more, you have to remember to do it. Keep a planner and actually write in it. 

2. Motivation.

Staying motivated is one of the hardest things to do, so leave notes of encouragement all around your mirror to remind you if you stick with it, it can happen.


3. Tell Someone.

Motivation in numbers. Surrounding yourself with positive people and good vibes can be extremely encouraging. So let a friend know and that person could become a study buddy or workout partner.


4. Treat Yo’ Self.

Running above your normal time or staying that extra half hour at the library means you get to reward yourself. No this doesn’t mean going against your resolution and skipping a studying session or eating a whole pizza by yourself. Give yourself a little reward to keep yourself going.




5.  Find More Than One.

People may think that giving yourself more than one resolution is a set up for disaster, but it could be a way to getting yourself more on track. Pick more than one and you’ll find yourself being more productive and feeling better and at end of the day about how you spent your time.


6. Don’t Get Down On Yourself

Going against your schedule one time is not the end of the world, it doesn’t mean that there is no hope for your resolution. Don’t be hard on yourself, you’re only human. Tomorrow is a new day to start over again.


Samantha Cedano

Illinois State

Contributor account for Illinois State