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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Having everything you could ever want seems a little extra, but there are some things that are a “must have”. Here are five things that is totally OKAY to invest your money in.


1. A good pair of jeans.

If you look good, you feel good. Everyone needs a good pair of denims that hugs you in all the right places. This is a staple to your wardrobe and can be worn for a fun night out with friends, or to a business dinner with your boss.


2. Skin care skin care skin care

No matter what season it is, it should be moisturizing season. Do not be afraid to splurge on some good moisturizing cream or under eye serum for your face. A good product can help prolong wrinkling and sun damage.


3. Your hair

We have all had those botched “in the kitchen” hair dye jobs that you and your best friend did, thinking you’re both professionals. Honestly, skip that part in your life. Find a good salon and leave it to the ACTUAL professionals.


4. A nice blazer

I have always found a need for this. A blazer is so versatile. Invest in one of these and know you will be set for your next interview. Less “dress for the job you want” and more “dress like you’re the CEO of the company”.

5. A staple pair of shoes

Find that really comfy pair of black or nude shoes that you love. With staple colors they can go with anything in your wardrobe. Then, go ahead and spend some money on them because you know you are going to get your money’s worth.



Trisha Fritz

Illinois State '19

Hi I am Trisha- a natural born leader with a proven track record on taking chaotic situations and turning them into something great and a wannabe pop-culture expert. I am graduating Illinois State University in 2019 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism with a minor in Writing. In college, I worked at the schools TV station, TV-10. While in school, I’ve managed and motivated my peers in the communication area while balancing a hectic work schedule in the service industry. Do not let my wittiness fool you, this is all just a plan for world domination.
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