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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Listed below are 10 things that I have learned throughout the past few years that I thought would be important to share.


  1. First and foremost, I have learned that it is okay to not be okay. It’s okay to reach out to someone when you are struggling, and it is okay to have a bad day. They will happen, but that does not mean it is a bad life. Appreciate the good days ahead and try your best to pick yourself up and give yourself extra love on a tough day.
  2. I have learned that self-love is a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. You have to work on it every day, and accept your insecurities. This can be the hardest thing to do for some people but believe me, it is so worth starting your self-love journey. It has lifted a weight off my shoulder and has helped my overall mental health so much.
  3. Other people’s opinions do NOT define who you are. You know who you are and your values, and so does your close friends and family. It is not worth spending time worrying about what others say about you. Don’t let it change the way you see yourself. You are amazing and you have to remind yourself that every single day.
  4. I have learned not to sweat the small stuff. You know the rule; if it won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes upset by it.
  5. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Learn to trust the right people, and never apologize for what you feel. The people you tell your good news to should also be there for you through the bad times. Sharing your feelings can be helpful in many ways, and know you are never alone in what you are going through.
  6. Love yourself enough to walk in a damn room and feel confident. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are so much more than you think you are. People see ten times the positive qualities in you than you do yourself. Learn how to take a compliment. When someone compliments you, they mean it.
  7. Kindness goes a long way. Always be there for your friends, and always be that person who cares more. Everyone is fighting their own battle, so spread love as much as you can. Give a stranger a compliment, lend a helping hand when needed, and smile. Smiling is contagious and you never know what impact you are making on someone.
  8. Write down your gratitude’s. Check up on your friends and family and tell them how much they mean to you.
  9. Be as happy as you tell people you are. Don’t bullshit it. If you’re not happy, find the courage to talk to someone or get professional help. There is NOTHING wrong with that, and it could help in ways you never thought it could.
  10.  LIVE.  Go on a car ride with your friends and let the wind blow in your face and through your hair. Crank the music all the way up and sing on the top of your lungs. Walk outside and let the fresh air consume you. Do things on your bucket list and do things that scare you. JUST GO FOR IT. Life is too short not to.


I hope this inspires and helps you in some way. Think about things that you have learned throughout the last few years and reflect on how it has helped you grow as a person.

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