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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ICU (Japan) chapter.

April 18 — April 23


An act of resistance against a consumerist and capitalist society.

This week we honor the beauty that this planet has to offer, including: Trees, forests, mountains, deserts, skies, clouds, flowers, oceans, plants, animals, and so much more. This week I encourage every one of the HCICU readers to talk about climate misinformation, climate change, how you are making a difference in this fight, climate optimism, and more. This week is also a chance for all of us to say thank you to the climate activists, climate scientists, climate communicators, and people working on an individual level to collectively fight change.

In today’s episode of HCICU’s attempt to address climate change, I will talk about some positive, good environmental news for a more optimistic future:

  • The first Global Plastic Pollution Treaty was just approved by the United Nations

This international treaty will be finalized by 2024 with an action plan to end plastic pollution. This is the biggest green deal since the Paris Agreement.

  • Over 200,000 Monarch Butterflies migrated to California last year

The year before that, only 2,000 Monarchs were counted.

  • Solar Energy has been growing by 42% each year for the past decade

Increasing accessibility of renewable energy helps bring us towards a more sustainable future with less fossil fuels

  • The Ozone Hole is getting smaller

It has been decreasing at a rate of 1-3% annually. A recent study estimates that this recovery will save over 440 million Americans from experiencing skin cancer over the next century.

  • The endangered Coho Salmon have returned to tributaries in San Geronimo Valley for the first time since 2004

Efforts like dam removal have contributed to their return.

In efforts to make a change, we not only need to look at what we do as individuals, but also hold the fossil fuel companies and the world’s leading 1% of the population accountable for their actions. And as important as it is to look at the aspects that need to change, do not forget to look at the good ones that environmental activists are bringing to the world.

With this week starting, I hope that you have conversations about the Earth with your friends, family, in-class, and at work!

sources: ig @environment__impact @impact

Kavya Sharma

ICU (Japan) '24

Is always listening to music and never paying attention. But tends to get around with things :)