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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ICU (Japan) chapter.

After the jolly holiday season, comes a second reminder that we were in the midst of a horrible pandemic. With the declaration of the state of emergency, a lot of us are stuck at home again. Here, I will be introducing some of the things I, as a homebody, do to enjoy my time! 

Play some music

I like to play music in my room for basically the whole day. I really like listening to music and, with the right songs, it will definitely lift your mood!

Make a cup of coffee

Getting drinks at cafes is great, but so is making one for yourself. With some chocolate syrup or cinnamon powder, you can make your favorite drink from the comfort of your own home. It will taste great, get you warm, and make you feel happy. Plus, you can get a helping hand from the caffeine to get a little productive. 

Work on something 

Once you’re in the mood, work on something you have pushed back. Cleaning your room, organizing your desk, replying to emails, or getting an assignment done. When you’re comfy and motivated, it isn’t as painful as forcing yourself to do it on a busy day. To motivate yourself, try planning out your day on a notepad or planner. It can help you get productive! 

Take a nap

It’s natural to get a little sleepy when you are cozied up in your room. It’s something that is hard to do unless you spend the whole day at home. Take a big fat nap, and don’t feel guilty about it! You have enough time to get other stuff done, and more than anything, we all deserve it. 

Read a book

It’s hard to get any pleasure reading time during our busy days at university, but during a whole day at home, maybe you will find an hour to two to start a new book — or finish one you haven’t touched since New Years’. 

Light up some candles 

At the end of the day, to make your evening extra classy and cozy, you could light up a few candles. It is said that a candle’s small flame has a soothing and stress-reducing effect, and that screams self-care! We all deserve a quiet healing night during these crazy times, even if you didn’t get anything done on that particular day. 

We are going through very difficult times, but since we don’t have control over it, the least we can do is stay at home when we can. Yet, I hope that we always remember that taking care of ourselves is also very important. These are the few things that make me happy and comfy at home, and I hope you try a few of them out or find different ways that will let you enjoy your time at home. Stay safe, and stay happy! 

Utako Kawakami

ICU (Japan) '24

Hi, I'm Utako and I am a sophomore at International Christian University!
Articles anonymously written by HCICU Contributors.