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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HWS chapter.

It’s April of senior year, the final few weeks before the looming deadline of May 1st. Everyone in your class is stressed, anxious, excited, angsty and feeling pretty much every other emotion under the sun: it’s college decision season! Not excited? Actually quite terrified? Don’t worry, friends, so was I just last year. It doesn’t matter if you’ll be attending a university near home, far away, or even in a foreign country. This mixture of tips, tricks, and tidbits I picked up at the end of the college process will hopefully help ease your troubled minds about the big change that is to come.


1. It’s okay if you haven’t picked your school yet!

College is a big decision, period. It’s completely fine if you haven’t made up your mind yet.  But, be sure not to continually put off the topic in your head because that isn’t helping anyone.  Slow down, make some lists, talk about it with your parents, guardians, trusted adults, friends, pets, anyone you trust. As long as you’re considering it reasonably and seriously, there’s no need for stress.


2. You don’t need to have that a-ha moment.

No doubt you’ve heard about this already. That special instant when you know, you just know, that this school is right for you!! Well, it doesn’t happen to everyone…and that’s okay. Sometimes (like me), you realize you’ve been comparing one specific college to all the other schools you’ve researched and visited, and that’s how you know. Or maybe you’re between two schools and one has more pros than the other and that’s the school you choose. It’s important not to worry if everyone around you seems to be having mind-blowing epiphanies about college because sometimes those feelings come in a far more low-key manner.


3. Don’t feel bad about your decision.

No one should feel badly about deciding to go to a certain school. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s bad to go to a community college, stay at home for college, go to a public university, or go to a private college. Your life is your life, however you want it. Whether it’s an upscale private college or a community college close to home, your life goals are just as valid as everyone else’s.


4.  Try not to get too mad at everyone around you.

This was definitely something I struggled with senior year – the pure, unadulterated, raw angst that progressed each day until graduation. Personally, I dont do so well with change. I became angry and easily irritated in the weeks leading up to graduation because I was upset about leaving everyone and everything I knew behind. If you’re not like me, and you’re over the moon about finally spreading your wings and leaving home, that’s perfectly fine too! Everyone processes major changes differently. But, if you find yourself getting antsy just remember that your life is moving in a different direction, and it’s natural that you’re feeling a lot of strong emotions at once. Oh, and don’t forget to explain this to your friends and family if this applies to you – if you’re honest with them, they’ll understand.


I hope this short list has been helpful to you! If you’re anything like me, you need someone to tell you not to freak out, so I’m telling you – don’t freak out.  The college process is very stressful, incredibly hectic, and absolutely nuts, not to mention all the other nonsense that seniors have to deal with (homework, clubs, sports, etc. etc.). From a girl who chose her college on April 29th last year, and somehow ended up at an awesome school, I can safely tell you that everything will be okay. 

Maddy Conroy is a senior at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and is an English major and Writing and Rhetoric minor. She has always enjoyed reading, writing, and photography (perhaps a bit too much). She is Co-President of HWS's Her Campus chapter as well as President of the One-on-One Friendship Club on campus.