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You Know You’ve Been at HPU Too Long When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

It’s a stroll down memory lane every time I think about my last four years here at Hawai’i Pacific University. So many things were different and now more than ever, HPU is constantly changing and evolving. A look back at how things used to be will definitely let you know that you’ve been here too long, so if you can recognize and reminisce on any one of these things, sorry Sea Warrior but it’s time to graduate. Oops, did I say Sea Warrior? I meant Sharks!

1. You remember being an HPU Sea Warrior once upon a time ago

Yes, we were not always the HPU Sharks. Instead, we were the HPU Sea Warriors (which I always thought sounded better). I don’t even remember when we changed but it happened.

2. You recognize this old logo:

3. You used to hang out in Sea Warrior Center next to the musubi and bento shop on Fort Street Mall

Sharky’s Cove wasn’t the only lounge we had in Downtown. Sea Warrior Center was the low-key and laid-back place you’d goto to take a break from studying to play pool, ping pong, watch TV or play games and generally be as loud as you pleased. It had blue and green walls and honu turtles all over.

4. Fort Street Mall was the epicenter of events

Before Aloha Tower was added to the mix of campuses, Fort Street Mall was where Club Carnival and Halloween Funfest would happen. Hard to remember that there was a time before Aloha Tower, right?

5. The bookstore used to be on Fort Street Mall in the nicest marble building

Sometimes I pass by the old bookstore (now empty) and I can still vividly place where the racks of clothing were, how the counters were set up, and what types of stationery they sold there. Our new bookstore is definitely much nicer and much bigger though.

6. You’ve gone through at least two or three different academic advisors in your time here

Along with that, you remember taking very different Gen Ed courses on a very different degree plan…assuming you changed your major at least once.

7. In a few years, you’ll be able to drive by the Hawai’i Loa Campus and say, “I remember when this used to be HPU.” *tear*

One of the biggest changes of all is that HPU officially sold it’s Hawai’i Loa Campus to Castle Medical Center and will be out of there within the next 5 years. I’ve been at HPU for four years now and had classes at HLC all four years. I’ll definitely shed a tear remembering that lush, green campus.

Despite all these infrastructural changes, HPU is moving forward for the better. My fellow Seniors and soon-to-be grads, we’ve come a long way, but so has our university.

Michelle Ann is in her fourth year of college at Hawai'i Pacific University, getting her Bachelor's of Science in Public Health. Between school, her 2 jobs and internship, you can find her burried in a new book (sometimes two at a time), beach lounging and sitcom show binging. Michelle loves consuming good music, great movies, and the internet. 
Amanda is a senior at HPU working towards her degrees in mass communication and integrated multimedia. She loves all things related to design, photography, and journalism. Her dream is to move back to the big apple and work for Cosmopolitan magazine. When not sipping on Starbucks while studying, you can find her doing crossfit or diving.