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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at HPU chapter.

Have you ever seen that “pink” … you know, the pink that every single millennial girl wears, uses, and over uses either on their instagram feed or wherever they can put it? Or are you completely unaware of this type of pink because you are not a part this trend? Well, either way, here is a guide to show you what exactly millennial pink is.

1. It is a muted pink that goes with EVERYTHING

This pink can be color matched to anything and you can spot it from a mile away

2. It is aesthetically pleasing

Millennial pink is so bright and fun that every instagram influencer is using it on their feeds.

3. It will probably die out when fall rolls around

Like every trend, it eventually turns into a fad because millennials are never hooked to something for too long – so don’t expect it to be around forever.

4. It comes in all different shades

There is not just ONE millennial pink, the shade range is endless and that’s why it works so well.


I hope you are inspired by millennial pink and all its possibilities better jump on the bandwagon!

Mariah is 21-years-old senior at Hawaii Pacific University, majoring in Mass Communication concentrating in Advertising and Public Relations and minoring Marketing. On her free time, she likes to join extra-curricular activities at HPU, go to the beach, and hang out with her friends and family.
Katrina Hicks

Northwestern '19
