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What I’m Happy About Today

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

Having a bad day? College getting you down? Do you go to Howard University? Then we get it. College can have some of the best and worst of times. This column is a gateway for students to know that they aren’t alone in our large Bison family. I hope that hearing from your peers will continue to give you hope to keep going on another day.


Meet Clarke Williams, a sophomore political science major, Spanish minor from Baltimore, MD.

AVERY: What are you currently happy about today or just in life in general? 

CLARKE: I personally am very excited for the fall season, I just really love the fall and nature during the fall. There is interest meetings, etc. Everyone is getting to find what they want to do, what their purpose is, and how they are going to make their mark and that’s a beautiful question to ask themselves and discover. With there being a lot a freshmen this year they will be able to make a SMOOOOTH transition into Howard University.

AVERY: How do you keep yourself motivated during the darkest of times?

CLARKE: I talk to my LOQ (Ladies of the Quad Social Club) sisters a lot, they really help me to put things into perspective especially at times when I feel like at the bottom of the barrel. I also read my bible, I got into that over the summer… the bible has a lot of encouraging scriptures, etc. One of personal my favorites is Psalm 30:5. It makes me realize that something can always effect your happiness but in my opinion, no one can take your joy away. I try to always access joy and I will be alright. I try to keep good friends and music around. Just stay around good vibes and good vibes will come to you.  

AVERY: What advice would you give to someone who is really down in the dumps? 

CLARKE: The advice I have is to always find ways to seek joy. Joy is like a well that never runs dry and to find the things that work for you. I literally have depression and I have to be conscious about the things that I do and the things I am around. I love to do yoga, listen to music and spend time with my friends and I always find a way to put them into my schedule. Find things that will make you smile and give you positive energy because the negative will always find its way there. Make sure you schedule in the things you like to do because you need to be proactive in countering the negative stuff. Most importantly take mental health days and that does not mean to skip class and to sleep every day, find something to improve your mental health. Take a walk– it is scientifically proven to help with mental issues and SAFELY explore D.C.  

AVERY: Do you have any rituals you do to keep a good mojo going throughout your day?

CLARKE: Positive affirmations; I speak strength, joy, and love over myself. Listen to music while I’m getting ready in the morning helps me to center myself Find the mirrors (people) that affirm you, if you feel like twitter is giving you a bad mojo meaning that it does not affirm you — you need to feel better after a conversation and if you don’t then you need to hit the clippers  

AVERY: What is one of your favorite memories so far at Howard University? If any.

CLARKE: The day that I officially got into the Ladies of the Quad Social Club, I felt drowned in love, I just knew it was something special.

AVERY: What is one thing you wish someone told you before attending Howard?

CLARKE: I wish someone told me to be more comfortable with speaking to strangers. Howard is very network based place and I think I didn’t take advantage of the ‘getting to know you time’ during my freshmen year.

AVERY: What is one motivational quote/piece of writing that keeps you going on a day to day basis?

CLARKE: “Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.” – Psalm 30:5

Keep up with Clarke!



Avery Taylor is a sophomore Elementary Education major and Afro American Studies minor from Long Island, NY. She has always had a strong passion for helping children and giving back to her community. Avery has been dancing and writing poetry all her life and feels like working with Her Campus is the next way for her to use her creativity to give back! Avery been published in 4 literary magazines in her hometown but continues to write on her own free time as she continues her education at Howard University. She plans on going to South Africa in the winter of 2017 with YAALI to do research their in education systems in comparison to what we have in the states. Avery just wants to continue to be the best example for all young woman around her but especially African American women! Her daily mantra is "strive to inspire before you expire" just to remind her of her purpose in society.