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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

Sometimes I think we can get so caught up with the wrongs in our life, that we end up overlooking all the good. Think about things that bring you joy for this season and cleave to them. This Thanksgiving season, I want to remind you that although we are in crazy times, we can still focus on the precious moments we have thus far in our life. 


Life has honestly hit me hard these past few months. From losing family members, going fully virtual for college, having a jobless Summer, to just being mentally and physically drained, I have honestly felt the lowest of lows. However, I told myself that I needed to get out of my lows and experience life, because it is so precious. I’ll never know when my last day on this earth will be, so I had to decide to make the best of what I have. You truly have to make that call yourself in order to get out of the dark place that you were in, and gradually to step into your own bliss.


Holistically speaking, I think it is best to start by finding out what you are truly thankful for. I am thankful for my relationships with family and close friends, my work ethic, my ability to understand, my compassion for others, my eagerness to help those in need, and many other things. Let’s be more positive and think more liberally about the good things that have come our way.


If you are reading this, I want you to stop what you are doing. Inhale, then exhale, and realize that what you just did is something to be thankful for.


Kayla Cash

Howard '22

Kayla Cash is a senior at Howard University currently majoring in civil engineering. She is from Jacksonville, Florida. She strives to be valuable in any career field ranging from filmmaking and engineering. Kayla Cash is the epitome of a renaissance woman.
Jamiya Kirkland is a senior Biology major, Sociology and Afro-American studies minor from PG County, MD