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My Top 4 Favorite Quotes by Kamala Harris That Make Me Proud to be a Howard Woman!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

On August 11, 2020, presidential candidate Joe Biden endorsed HBCU grad, Senator Kamala Harris to be his 2020 running mate. Just 8 days later, Senator Kamala Harris took the big stage as she, the first Black woman to be on a major party ticket, formally accepted the Vice President nomination.  Oh, but HBCU’s won’t prepare you for the real world, right? Wrong!!

With that being said, let’s get into my top 4 favorite Kamala Harris quotes that make me proud to be a Howard woman!

1. “There are two things that shaped who I am today, my mother and my family, and Howard University.”

Family and tennis have shaped my life since as far back as I can remember. Since I was 3 years old I have been playing competitive tennis in hopes of one day playing Division 1. Because of my mom, a Howard University alum, my dad, a Morehouse College alum, and my twin brother, a current Howard University student, I am who I am today and having them as my support system has defined my present and future aspirations. 

2. “Our unity is our strength and diversity is our power.”

Having graduated from one of the most diverse private schools in the nation, I have always believed in the importance and need for diversity. My childhood friends, that I still have to this day, are from all races, backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures. Our differences are what make us unique and allow us to tell our own stories. 

3. “What’s important for my daughter to know is that…if you are fortunate to have opportunity, it is your duty to make sure other people have those opportunities as well.”

When I first read this quote, I immediately thought about my parents always saying, “To whom    much is given, much is required.” All of my blessings and opportunities should be capitalized on and utilized to uplift, help, or assist someone whether that be because of generosity or lack thereof. Help others in order to help yourself!

4. “If we do not lift up women and families, everyone will fall short.”

It is really sad that people can sit around and judge someone on their appearance because of the color of their skin…like really? Although it sounds stereotypical, beauty truly comes in all shapes, sizes, and shades. Colorism has an extremely negative connotation in society and it should not affect how we are seen, treated, and/or respected. If we do not have family, then at the end of the day what do we really have? Sure materialistic things are taking over the world, but family is everything. We need family, we need to uplift each other, and love each other while we are still living. Tomorrow is not promised. 

Today, I beam with pride to know that the halls I walk and the yard I cross are the same that our next vice president has walked. There is no better time to attend an HBCU, especially or beloved Howard U. Today, I bleed blue and am ecstatic to see a woman who looks like me, was educated like me, and has a diverse background like me selected to walk alongside my choice for president, Joe Biden. #Vote  #BleedBlue #HUYouKnow

Jamiya Kirkland is a senior Biology major, Sociology and Afro-American studies minor from PG County, MD