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Let’s Talk Contraceptives: Disbanding Myths and Spreading Facts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Howard chapter.

College is an important time to discover yourself as a woman. Whether it be acne, sex, weight gain/loss, or other physical changes happening to your body, contraceptives may be used for different purposes in guiding you in your college journey. Before deciding on options, whether it be birth control, condoms, or other options—learn some quick myths and facts that can get you started!



1. Birth control makes you gain weight.

While birth control has different effects on different women, it is not the case that a particular contraceptive option will guarantee weight gain. The important thing is when starting birth control, have conversations with your doctor and note any differences in your body once beginning contraceptives. Some women may gain weight from contraceptive pills but don’t gain any weight from using an IUD.

Source: Unsplash


2. Birth control makes you infertile. 

Birth control uses progestin and estrogen to work effectively. The presence of these hormones stops the sperm from being able to fertilize an egg by thickening cervical mucus and prevents ovulation. Decades of research and studies have been done to ensure that birth control is safe for women. Once birth control is removed, your hormones change and your body is able to fertilize like normal.

Source: Dreamlandia


3.  Birth control prevents STI/STD.

While contraceptives are extremely effective, it is always important to make sure you are also using a condom to prevent sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Birth control helps in preventing pregnancy but is not guaranteed to prevent infections. Make sure to protect yourself always.



1.  There are about 15 different types of contraceptives that you can choose from that prevent pregnancy.

From the pill to IUD to the implant, there are a range of 15 different contraceptive methods that you can choose from to ensure that you are getting the best kind of contraceptive for your particular body. Each method has a different life span, insertion, and rate of effectiveness. It is important to talk to your doctor about which type may be right for you.

Source: MedicineNet


2.  Most Birth Control options are usually covered by insurance plans.

Due to the ACA, the Affordable Care Act, introduced by President Obama, most insurance plans now cover birth control with little to no costs depending on the type of birth control method. Talk to your insurance representative to see what is available for you.

Source: Next Avenue


3. The best birth control, is the right birth control for you.

While there are many options and a great deal of information that others can give you about birth control or a particular contraceptive method, the best kind is the kind that is suitable for your body and makes you feel well. Contraceptives are to help you and not to hurt you, the choice is completely up to you!



Rozalyn Wingate is a 19-year-old Philosophy major, and legal communications/administration of justice minor from Lexington, Kentucky at the Howard University located in Washington, DC. Ms. Wingate constantly displays positivity, love, and strength as the core values of her livelihood. She serves as a mentor to students, as well as an assistant to the renowned Criminology professor, Dr. Bahiyyah Muhammad, working in the DC jails to execute her program “Breaking the Chains: Women in Incarcerated Spaces.” Despite being a survivor of sexual assault, Rozalyn attacks any weapons formed against her through her phenomenal work ethic and her academic achievements, remaining focused to one day become a Criminal Lawyer.