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We’ve All Been There… Daily Struggles Everyone Experiences at HC

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.
  1. You trek all the way up to Hart just to realize you forgot your headphones…..gym radio station and the melody of slamming weights it is.

  2. Swipe into Kimball then realize you have to go to the bathroom. Would you rather nearly pee your pants all dinner or have to walk all the way down the stairs and swipe back in?

  3. When you have just settled into Dinand and your laptop informs you that you are now running on reserve battery power….and your charger is conveniently located in your room.

  4. When a new employee makes your milkshake at Cool Beans…no I did not want an iceshake. Thanks, though.

  5. That glorious moment when you finally log out of a computer in Dinand but all of the documents you sent to the printer have suddenly disappeared, and you are then forced to waste 5 more minutes as you wait to log back in.

  6. When you lose your swipe and didn’t take a picture of it….even though Sis reminded you at least 10 times. 

  7. When you live in Mulledy as a sophomore and have to wait outside in the cold to be granted access to see any of your friends.

  8. When all of your friends get stir fry and you don’t, so you eat awkwardly alone…then awkwardly watch them eat (and decide you wish you had just waited for stir fry).

  9. That awkward moment when you play footsies with the stranger in the cubby across from you in Dinand.

  10. Go 0/4 on enrollment…even though you bought an Ethernet cord (the ladies at the bookstore promised it would work??).

  11. HC Wireless decides it no longer wants to support your Internet browsing, and you are forced to attempt to reconnect every 2 minutes.

  12. When you’re walking down the hallway and do a 10 second tango with someone coming towards you because you both keep moving in the same direction to get out of each other’s way.