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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Throughout the course of the first semester I wrote my mother two letters. They were not long or complicated at all: one being a thank you for a package she sent me and the other being a simple I miss you later. Both took up very little time to write then send and I did not think much of it at the time. However, when I was home for winter break I noticed both of them up on the windowsill above her desk. This is when I realized how impactful this small gesture meant to her, and promised myself that I would continue to do it everytime I’m away from home for a long time.

Whenever I receive a letter from my Mom, Grandma, Boyfriend, or anybody really, it makes my day. So why not do this for others? Meaningful texts will eventually be deleted, but a handwritten letter is forever and shows true, deep appreciation for the recipient. Whether it’s a love letter, apology letter, or informal letter just for fun, this is a great way to get thoughts and feelings out without interruption.

This semester in one of my classes my professor asked us if anyone had sent their parents a letter yet this school year and I was the only one who raised my hand. Because of that, I was inspired to write this article in the hope that someone will read it and send someone they care about a letter. As Emily Dickinson wrote in an unfinished poem: “A letter is a joy of Earth– / It is denied the Gods.”

Bridget O'Toole

Holy Cross '26

Hi! I am a sophomore at Holy Cross and am majoring in English and minoring in Architectural Studies. I'm from Long Island, New York, and my favorite things include skiing, reading, yoga, and the beach!