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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Thanksgiving is finally here! And with it comes a much needed opportunity to cook and bake at home. For all the chefs out there, here are some of my favorites that go way beyond the traditional Thanksgiving turkey and apple pie. 

Rice Krispie Treats

This is a classic dessert made with marshmallow and rice krispies. Make these in a square pan and you can either cut them up before serving or serve them right from the dish! These are sure to be a favorite for young kids and adults are likely to enjoy them as well!

Pumpkin French Toast

Looking for something for Thanksgiving morning as well? Look no further than this delicious fall take on the traditional french toast. This recipe is delicious and sure to put your family in a Thanksgiving mood way before the main meal even starts! Just make sure to leave room for lunch afterwards!

Peanut Butter Pie

Want a fun twist on a classic Thanksgiving dessert, the pie. This chocolate peanut butter pie is sure to be a delicious, rich dessert on your Thanksgiving table and will remind you of a Reese’s from Halloween last month. 

Whoopie Pies

Looking for something more unconventional? A traditional New England dessert, the whoopie pie is a delicious dessert to add to your Thanksgiving dinner. These cookie-cake desserts will fit perfectly for the family that may not want a slice of pumpkin or apple. 

I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy all of these delicious treats! 

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Isabelle Bonegio

Holy Cross '26

My name is Isabelle and I’m a sophomore at College of the Holy Cross. I enjoy writing and this is my first year at HER campus. I love baking, hiking, and going to the beach! I graduated from Newton South High School in 2022.