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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

We have all experienced Sunday Scaries at some point. With finals coming up and work amping up, Sunday Scaries may be at a high. I know especially my freshman year, I struggled getting into a Sunday routine and the feeling of not knowing what to do with myself made me more anxious for the week ahead. Here are my top tips and tricks to occupying your Sunday and gearing up for the week ahead! 

Plan one thing to do during your Sunday

The scariest part about Sundays, especially as a freshman, is the feeling of not knowing what to do. I have found that scheduling one thing to do on a Sunday is a way to get you up and atem, and it gives you something to look forward to during your day. Previously, I have scheduled coffee dates, lunch plans with friends, dinner at a new place nearby, or a visit to Worcester Public Market. Having a set plan also allows you to schedule the rest of your day and getting up and doing something distracts you from your workload, and the feeling of boredness. Whatever you do, set a time and enjoy!

Self care!

The absolute best way to settle down and relax is self care. This can be as simple as taking a long shower and doing a full skin care routine. If you want to take it up a notch, stop by CVS, grab a face mask or an eye mask and settle in! Doing some self care is the best way to gear up for a stressful week and occupy yourself as well. During the week, and sometimes during the weekend, it can be difficult trying to find “me time” to take care of yourself, and your body. Take advantage of the free time you have on Sundays to treat yourself and calm down for a busy week ahead. 

be with friends and relax

Again, sometimes Sundays can feel a little lonely and empty due to the lack of plans. The best way to pass the time is to spend some down time with your friends. I love to recap my week/weekends with my friends and just hangout. It is a great way to pass the time on Sundays and can be very fun, as simple as it is.

Set aside an hour or two (or more depending on your week) to do work and plan out your week 

I know some people may be in the library all day on Sundays, and certainly depending on the week ahead, I have been there. However, I am a big proponent of lazy Sundays, and I try to give myself some time to chill before a strenuous week of classes and work ahead. I do, however, always set aside at least an hour or two where I can sit down and catch up on the work I did not do over the weekend/is due on Monday. My biggest piece of advice when you sit down with your work, is to take some time to schedule your week ahead. This has been the most helpful thing to me during the week because I am able to assess the amount of work I have coming up and allocate my time accordingly. This makes my week much less stressful!

Go to bed early and watch a movie!

Finally, the most important part for a less stressful and happier week is SLEEP! I always love to get in bed by 9 to 10 pm and throw on a movie or a show (recently I have been binging Gilmore Girls as my self care show) and make sure to get to bed early. Personally, I like to pack my Friday and Saturday night with plans so Sunday is one of the few nights where I can be relaxed, throw on a good show and hit the hay early! Getting a good night’s sleep to start off the week makes all the difference in my attitude and ability to do my best work for the week ahead.

I hope these tips are as helpful to you as they are to me. Remember that setting up a good Sunday routine is very particular to each and every one of us, so take whichever tips work best for you!!

Annie Jackowitz

Holy Cross '23

Class of 2023 Economics major with a concentration in gender & woman studies!