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How To Manage Your Stress These Last Few Weeks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

April brings with it a lot of things. The promise of warmer weather and longer days, fun activities like the Jessie J concert, and the feeling of renewal that comes with spring every year. However, with about a month left of school, most Crusaders are also experiencing crazy amounts of stress. Planning for study abroad, searching for that perfect summer job, and getting ready for finals have students almost ready to burst. If you feel like you’re just about ready to pull your heart out, take a minute and read these tips for distressing and relaxing.

  1. Take a hot, relaxing shower.

  2. Listen to some upbeat music.

  3. Go to Cool Beans with a friend and enjoy catching up with each other.

  4. Treat yourself to a latte and a blueberry scone.

  5. Treat someone else to a chai latte and a blueberry scone. Doing something nice for others always feels great!

  6. Take a minute and write down exactly what it is you’re stressing about. Simply putting a pen to paper can be incredibly cathartic.

  7. Use your calendar and map out exactly what you need to do and how you can achieve it. Create a plan and stick with it.

  8. Watch one episode of your favorite show.

  9. Make a hot cup of tea.

  10. Wear bright colors! It’s easy to get lost in a sea of neutrals.

  11. Step away from the screen. Put down your phone, put away your laptop, and simply be present.

  12. Watch a funny YouTube clip. Taking five minutes to get a quick laugh will do you wonders.

  13. Step out of Dinand and get some fresh air!

  14. Smile at three strangers walking down easy street.

  15. Go to the gym.

  16. Take a 20-minute nap.

  17. Drop the f-bomb. Seriously, grab a friend and rant for 5 minutes about how overwhelmed you are and how your life sucks. I guarantee after that, it will suck less.

  18. Listen to your gut.

  19. Clean your room or organize your desk.

  20. Remember that everything is going to be ok.

If you’re at Holy Cross, chances are you did something to deserve to be here. Remember that you are great and that everything will work out the way it should!