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5 Ways to Support Your BFF

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Whether your roommate has lost her phone (and had to resort to posting in the class Facebook group) or just needs a shoulder to cry on after a long day, there are many things you can do to be a good friend and show your bestie that you will always be there for her no matter what.

1. Be optimisticThe chances that your friend will find her phone after using Find My iPhone and tracking it to a sketchy area 20 minutes away may be slim. BUT, that doesn’t mean you should act like it! Stick with your friend and let her know that of course you will scour Fitton Field and drive to 878 in broad daylight to find it; that’s what friends are for! (Note: this is a true story. Fortunately and shockingly, the phone was found.)


2. Drop off a quick treatOne thing that will always make people feel better after doing badly on a test or getting in an argument with a friend is a small gift. Take a second to stop by the bookstore to buy a cute teddy bear or pick up a caramel latte at Cool Beans for your friend in need. A small act of kindness is always appreciated and will let your friend know how much you care. (To my friends: I enjoy the Reese’s peanut butter eggs from the Lobby Shop).


3. Check in every once in awhileYour friends may not always let you know when they’re going through a hard time or are just having a bad day. Send a quick text when you sense something might be wrong or even if it’s just been a long time since you have. One of the most important things in a friendship is letting your friend know that you are always there for her no matter what and that you value her happiness and well being.


4. Attend their sporting events or other activity eventsWhether she is on a sports team here at Holy Cross or is a member of Relay for Life, showing up for your friend on her big day is a great way to show your support. It will undoubtedly mean a lot to her to know her friends care about the things that are important in her life.


5. Keep track of their testsNothing makes me smile more than when a friend texts me a “good luck” before I have a big exam or presentation. We all know how stressful school can be and to have someone acknowledge that is always nice. Ask your friends about their upcoming academic schedules and wish them luck in a quick text or when you see them in person. That one small act can give them the confidence they need to ace that exam, and it will remind them how important you are to them.