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5 Fab Instas You NEED to be Following Right Now!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.
Instagram is, by far, one of everyone’s most addicting apps on their phones!  So, here are 5 fab instas to help that addiction. 
  1. @juliahengel Julia Engel: The writer of the fabulous fashion and lifestyle blog Gal Meets Glam where she posts fashion, beauty, travel, and lifestyle pics from all around the globe and from her beautiful home base of San Francisco. Daily pics of gorgeous flowers, the cutest outfits, and the most beautiful pics of her vacas…it’s truly amazing. She also gives great recommendations for makeup and other beauty products! 
  2. @glitterguideGlitter Guide: This insta promises its followers daily #flashesofdelight with its girly pics depicting cute home décor, beauty product recommendations, and colorful, bright pics from its lifestyle blog, www.theglitterguide.com. The blog has awesome DIY projects, gift ideas, and discount codes on fab products! It’s a guaranteed way to brighten your day! 
  3. @carlyThe College Prepster: This is an automatic follow for any preppy college gal! Carly Heitlinger posts her perf, preppy outfits as she travels around New York City. She also posts instas of gorgeous NYC like the flower market, the beautiful brownstones in the city, and her apartment, which is filled with the cutest décor and her beyond adorable puppy! 
  4. @rosielondonerThe Londoner: By far one of my favorite instas ever! A London based lifestyle blogger with one of the best instas in the game. Ahmazing pics of her travels across the globe, delicious food she whips up, and to-die-for outfits. She also has hilarious captions! Be sure to check out her blog www.thelondoner.me…her posts are addicting! 
  5. @theknotThe Knot: Like every other girl, we’re always (literally always) thinking about our future weddings. The Knot has the most adorable pictures of romantic weddings, sparkly engagement rings, and proposals that will bring tears to your eyes! It’s never too early to start planning your weddings, and this insta is the perf place to start! 
If you’re bored between classes, avoiding studying in Dinand, or grabbing a coffee at Cool Beans, check out these instas and instantly brighten up your day! 
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Nina Sparre

Holy Cross