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21 Thoughts You Have in Class on Friday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

1. Yes! It’s Friday. Weekend countdown starts now!

2. Wow, this class is going by slow…

3. Should I go to the gym today?

4. Maybe I’ll go for like 20 minutes. I deserve a break after a long week.

5. Should I go out tonight?

6. I probably should catch up on sleep. There probably isn’t anything going on anyway.

7. Did the teacher just call on me? Everyone’s looking at me…

8. Everyone’s still looking at me…?

9. That was awkward. At least I did a page of the reading, so I could muster up something to say.

10. Has it really only been 20 minutes?

11. I never noticed that cute guy who sits in the corner to my left! Well, now I have something to do!

12. Oops, I think he just saw me staring at him…

13. Ok, I should probably pay attention for a minute.

14. Wait, should I go out tonight?

15. What should I wear?

16. Where should I go?

17. I could really use Panera right now. I hope my friends are willing to go somewhere tonight for comfort food.

18. Should I break out my new selfie stick tonight?

19. I wonder how many episodes I have left of Friday Night Lights and how long it will take me to finish a whole season after this class…

20. I hope I didn’t finish all those pita chips last night… great, I definitely did.

21. Everyone’s getting up to leave! Thank god! I wonder what that cute guy is doing tonight…