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Written in the Stars: Advice for the Signs This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

The semester has kicked off and with classes coming at us in full force, here’s some advice for the signs to make sure the semester starts off on the right foot.

Aries: Take some time for yourself

Aries, your intense energy and impulsive nature keeps you on-the-go. You can easily burn out if you don’t take a break, so take some much needed time to yourself this semester. Self-care is important.

Taurus: Embrace your independence

Taurus, your love for your friends and family enhances your loyalty, but this semester, tune out the other voices and focus on what you want to do. Trust your instincts.

Gemini: Stay focused

Gemini, this semester, stay in reality and don’t let distractions dominate your life. There’s a lot of goals you wish to achieve this semester, but to reach them you have to remain focused.

Cancer: Don’t take on too much

Cancer, you are constantly saying yes and keeping yourself busy, but this semester, try to leave some time for yourself. Learn to prioritize what truly matters in your life and let go of what is holding you back.

Leo: Let your adventurous side loose

Leo, let this semester be fun and lighthearted. Say yes more often and take chances. You’ll end up making some great memories with your friends, which is an added bonus. Spring break is coming up, so get planning!

Virgo: Be more confident

Virgo, you’re always trying to please those around you, but this semester, tune out the voices around you and be surer of yourself. You are bound to do great things but you need the confidence to do them first.

Libra: Let go of toxic people 

Libra, last semester may have revealed some ugly truths of those who are close to you. Use this semester and all of 2020 to distance yourself from toxic people that have been weighing you down. You deserve people who support you and want to see you prosper. 

Scorpio: Eliminate negative self-talk 

Scorpio, you have goals this semester that you want to go through with, but the only person standing in your way is yourself. Try to eliminate any self-talk that might come up this semester. Actively find ways to be nicer to yourself and embrace all your talents. 

Sagittarius: Release past negativity 

Sagittarius, you are known to be a carefree and positive fire sign, but under the surface, there are emotions over past events that have yet to be dealt with. Use this semester as a time for healing. Releasing past negativity will feel like a weight off of your shoulders. 

Capricorn: Focus on friendships 

Capricorn, you have been focusing on your career and what you want to accomplish for yourself, and while that’s great, there is also a need for balance. This semester, try to be more mindful in setting aside time for your friends as well as yourself. You could use some time to have fun, it is well deserved. 

Aquarius: Prioritize self care 

Aquarius, take time to prioritize yourself and your health this semester. Although classes, work and extracurriculars are important, it is also important to take care of yourself. Don’t ignore it when your body is telling you to rest.

Pisces: Learn to speak up 

Pisces, certain things have been building up throughout last semester, and your passive go-with-the-flow attitude only aids those who keep walking all over you. You have finally reached your breaking point. Use this semester to learn how to speak up for what you want and stand up for yourself, you will feel more empowered and confident in your decisions. 

Let this semester be one filled with positive vibes and fun times!

Nicole is a sophomore at Hofstra University majoring in Journalism with a minor in Creative Writing. She enjoys writing moody poems, adding clothes to her Depop cart and bringing up astrology in any and every conversation. Also, did she mention she is a scorpio?
Rylee Johnston is senior at Hofstra University studying  journalism. She has a passion for traveling and entertainment, and even spent four months abroad in London. When she isn't blogging about her travels, you can find her watching The Bachelor or planning her next adventure. Follow her on Instagram @ryleejuanita.