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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.


Listen up.

You need to stop slut shaming.

Degrading another woman for her personal choices for any reason is not okay. In today’s society, we need to build each other up… not tear each other down. As women, tearing each other apart opens the door for men to use demeaning terms against women. Saying something like, “We don’t even know how high her body count is” is wrong, quite frankly, because the number of partners a woman chooses to be with in her lifetime is absolutely none of your business. You would never hear that phrase uttered about a man’s sexual activity so why do you think it’s an acceptable thing to discuss about a woman?

Photo courtesy of Pexels 

Slut shaming another woman plays into a much larger problem in society. There is a double standard about the way men and women conduct themselves in just about every facet of their lives. In general, society shames women for expressing their sexuality while simultaneously sexualizing them in every way possible. Women are expected to walk the fine line between sexy and slutty every day when they are often sexualized without their consent. Take a look at any advertisement on television or in a magazine; women’s bodies are put on display to sell products but the second they take control of their own sexuality and use it for their own benefit it suddenly becomes a problem. Take back your sexuality and do not let anyone tell you how to live your lives because it is your life and yours alone.

Photo courtesy of Pexels 

So ladies stand together. Stop shaming each other for personal decisions that in no way affect you. Disrespecting another woman for her choices just reinforces that it is okay for society to do the same thing. So just stop doing it and help make the world a better place for women to thrive in everything that they do.

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Danielle Zulkosky is currently a Junior in the Honors College at Hofstra University where she is double majoring in Journalism and Political Science. She is currently the Program Director of Talk at 88.7 FM WRHU, the Vice President of the Hofstra University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. In the Fall of 2017, she interned with the MSNBC Booking Department. When she's not busy with her many other clubs she's in you can find her writing for Her Campus or hanging out with her sisters in Alpha Epsilon Phi! After college, she hopes to get any journalism job offered to her. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter: @DZulkosky