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Top 10 Awkward Things Every Hofstra Collegiate Experiences

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

College is about different experiences and some are definitely more awkward than others.

1.    That moment you’re so nervous and you forget how to pronounce your own name.

We’ve all been there. Its our first day of orientation and we don’t want to look like a fool. But we end up embarrassing ourselves by forgetting our own name.

2.    You realize that everyone you met at orientation is not your friend.

This happens to everyone. At orientation you’re super excited to make friends, but by the time school starts, your suitemates walk past you like they don’t know you. But no worries, you’ll make other friends!

3.    When you don’t know how to swipe your ID card to get into a certain building.

That awkward moment when you’re holding up the line at the computer lab because you don’t know how to swipe your card. This happens to everyone, especially when you’re a freshman.

4.    Your new roommate has a weird boyfriend.

Imagine you just came out of the shower and see this dude sitting on your bed. Yeah, that’s your friend’s weird boyfriend who thinks your stuff is his stuff. Next semester you will definitely ask for a new roommate.

5.    When you hook up with someone that lives across the hallway from you.

Ahh, the walk of shame. You want to the bar last night, had a few too many drinks, and hooked up with your floormate who you forget was your floormate. Don’t worry, I’m sure he doesn’t remember you.

6.    When you’ve forgotten the name of the person you are talking to.

Who has had this awkward moment? You’re talking to a person and want to continue the conversation and then you ask yourself, “What’s their name again?

7.    That person that adds you on Facebook because you are in their class but they never talk to you.

It’s kind of awkward. Why add me if you don’t want to talk, but still like all my pictures?

8.    Your roommate steals your stuff when you’re not around.

Your roomie steals your shoes, clothes and keys. Yet when you ask her she says, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But she’s wearing your shirt.

9.    When people on you floor begin screaming for no reason.

The loud and obnoxious students think they are the only ones who live in the building.

10. When someone who doesn’t know you begins to talk to you for no reason.

We’ve all had this moment. We are having a conversation with someone and a random person injects himself or herself with any introduction. Can you say awkward?

Hi, My name is Stacyann Nathan, an air on talent and Reporter for 88.7 WRHU Radio Hofstra. I love to write, sing and dance. My weakness is Chocolate and I hope that one day I will one of the greatest journalist Alive 
Rachel is a senior at Hofstra University where she majors in journalism with minors in fine arts photography and creative writing. The Rochester, NY native is involved in several organizations on campus including the Hofstra chapters of Ed2010 and She's the First. She is also an RA in a freshman residence hall. Rachel has interned at College Lifestyles, Cosmopolitan, The Knot Magazine, and is now interning at Us Weekly. She hopes to someday fulfill her dreams of being an editor at a magazine. Until then, she is a dreamer, a wanderlust and a lover of haikus. Follow her on Twitter for silly and sarcastic tidbits @rcrocetti!