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Thinking About Grad School? 5 Ways To Boost Your Application

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

So you’re thinking about grad school… Whether you are a senior or not, it’s never too early to start thinking about your future. If you are worried that your GPA won’t be good enough to get into the grad program of your dreams, worry less and start focusing on other ways to highlight your success and achievements. Most programs are far more concerned about the overall picture than they are about a specific student’s grades. It’s important to look into the application process for each of your choices in order to know how to best prepare yourself and can be seen as a well-rounded student. These five ideas will help you stand out in the eyes of college admissions and boost your chances of getting accepted.

Seek relevant experience

Having experience in your designated field of study prior to Grad school will not only give you a stellar resume but will also prove your passion for your career. By obtaining internships, you are gaining invaluable experience that many others alike will not have. Just one internship could set you apart from thousands of other applicants. Whether it be an internship, job or volunteer opportunity, any resume booster in your field will show professionalism and dedication to the program you’re applying for. Now, it is not easy to find and obtain these opportunities, but if you have the will then it is absolutely worth searching for.

Engage in Hofstra’s Center for Career Design and Development

The Center for Career Design and Development will not only help you with your career path, but will also provide you with networking opportunities. Take advantage of these relations while they are available to you. You can set up a one-on-one counseling session with them to discuss how to best market yourself to internships, jobs and also Grad school programs. You can make an appointment with them through Navigate. Also, keep a lookout for networking events they host which can connect you to professionals in your field.

Strong GPA

Although it is ok to have a less than perfect GPA, having a strong one will only help your case. If you don’t have as much experience before applying as you may like, it is important you focus on your grades, especially in major-related courses. Many Grad school programs could care less if you don’t have great grades in your distribution courses, but if you are continuously receiving poor grades in your major classes, then this is when red flags become prevalent. Once you’re in Grad school, your entire academic focus is on your chosen career path. The admissions department will want to see that you are putting your best foot forward when it comes to your passion. If you don’t have the best GPA, there is no need to fret. As long as you are able to highlight more strengths than weaknesses, you are already one step ahead.

letters of reccomendation

If you’re a freshman or sophomore, start cultivating relationships with your professors ASAP! Letters of recommendation weigh greatly in your application and it is much better to have a professor who knows you on a more personal level write it than one who simply just knows you from class. Grad school programs want to see that you’ve made connections within your undergraduate program, so if your letters of recommendation are very personal, it will boost your chances of being accepted.

get involved on campus

Grad school programs LOVE to see that you are involved on campus. Getting involved in extracurricular activities shows that you have passion and drive. If you join clubs that are related to your major, it will also help you be certain this is what you want to do with your future. When applying to Grad school, it’s important to know the exact career path you want to go down. If you finish your undergraduate still unsure of what you want to do, it might be best to take some time off from school to figure it out before jumping back into it. A way to avoid this is by figuring it out throughout undergrad. This will not only show Grad school programs of your involvement, but also give you a sense of your passion.

These are just five of the many ways you can improve your Grad school application. Whether you’re a Freshman or a Senior, it’s important to consider your options post-undergraduate. If Grad school is one of those, it never hurts to get involved and get good grades. The admissions department considers many things when choosing its next class, so it’s good to be well-rounded and have a stellar resume to catch their eye.

Kayla is a junior at Hofstra University, majoring in journalism and minoring in creative writing and public relations. She has a passion for writing and traveling. A future aspiration of hers consists of becoming a travel writer, or working for a magazine. If you ever need to find her, I recommend checking the mall because she loves spending all her money on clothes that she doesn't need. When not shopping, she can be found watching something on Disney Plus(probably Tangled).