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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

In a generation of organic obsessed consumers, the worst possible thing to happen to a women’s wallet is the store Lush. Now if you haven’t been tread very lightly because you are getting yourself into an addiction almost as bad as Sephora. Between the hair, skin and nail treatment packaged in a neat black, recyclable container how could you resist?

Here are the stages you should expect when you go to Lush:



When you first enter the store you have a set plan of what you need and convince yourself this trip is going to be in and out. You have your budget clearly in your head and are in complete denial that you will break at the sight of a free sample. Convinced that you are levelheaded you try and ignore the fairy cosmetics godmother who is going to push your limits!



After perusing around for about 5-10 minutes it hits you! You want everything and you want it all. Instead of denying your basic instinct to own the whole store you accept that you are going to leave with so much more, and that is ok. Shop on girl it’s about to be a long ride!


Irrational Rationalization

Now that you’ve accepted the fact that you have completely geared off track here is the fun part. You start convincing yourself as to why you need every skincare product because of course your skin changes seasonally. Ya know it may be winter but you’ll still get the sea salt spray for beach waves just incase they don’t carry it later on.


Wolf Of Wall Street

With your newfound enlightenment to get all these unnecessary essentials your wallet quickly opens right up. You can clearly see the register’s number increasing at an exponential rate but that’s what credit is for right? Or even better you can use your “in case of emergency card” and beg for forgiveness from your parents later!


Instant Pang of Guilt

As the cashier wraps everything up and you have handed over the money your heart will instantly twitch a little bit. You’ll have the feeling that maybe something isn’t right but you also don’t want to be that person to make the people behind you wait even longer so you can return some things.



Alright whatever, as you strut out of the store you are once again happy. With all these new products you are prepared to use them all as soon as you get home in the hopes of looking new and improved. There was temporary guilt but at the same time, the weight of a shopping bag has never felt so great!


Now that you are prepared I’m sending you all off to Lush, go!

Hofstra '17 Hofstra Chapter Vice President (December '16 - December '17) From a young age Naledi has been obsessed with all things pop culture and entertainment. Through writing for Her Campus she has been able to reach a large audience of badass collegiate women who share her crazy passions as well. Beyond Her Campus Naledi is IN LOVE with Hofstra. Her favorite part? The school of comm for allowing her to branch out and get a real dip into the real world prior to graduating. Additionally Naledi is one of those classic people who studies abroad in the spring of 2016 and won't ever stop talking about it! Her best advice? Go and see the world kids and fall in love with your major like Ali and Noah from the Notebook fell in love with each other.
Coming from a small town in Connecticut, Hailey is a recent graduate of Hofstra University. She spent her time in school working as the Campus Correspondent for the Hofstra chapter of Her Campus where she led the chapter to a pink level status every semester she oversaw the chapter. She also served as the Personnel Director for Marconi Award Winning station WRHU-FM. While holding multiple positions at Hofstra, she was a communications intern at Brooklyn Sports and Entertainment, the company that oversees Barclays Center and Nassau Veteran's Memorial Coliseum.