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School Spirit on Hofstra Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Spirit on college campuses is often associated with the big state schools that have thousands of students and top sports teams. However, these are not the only campuses with spirit; despite its size and the lack of a football team, Hofstra still has spirit.

We may not have a football team, but we definitely have school spirit when it comes to other sports, such as basketball.  Brittany Wright, a junior and enthusiastic sports fan here at Hofstra explains her feelings about spirit here at Hofstra, “I definitely think we have spirit but there’s always room for improvement. When it comes to basketball the school really rallies around the team but there not as supportive of the other athletic teams that consistently win CAA championships or having winning records, like women’s soccer and women’s softball.” 

Of course, school spirit is not only about cheering on sports, but it’s also about having a strong sense of community on campus. When it comes to Hofstra’s general feeling of spirit, students have mixed views. On this topic Brittany Wright agrees that Hofstra has spirit, “We take pride in our school and within ourselves and represent with our gear and stuff.” And it definitely does seem this way. When walking across campus on any day, you will see a large percentage of students sporting their Hofstra t-shirts and hoodies. Why would they wear them if they weren’t proud of their school and willing to show spirit?

On the other hand Kathleen Toomey, a sophomore, disagrees: “I wish we had spirit but there are a lot of people that I feel like just tend to complain about the one bad thing instead of focusing on all the good stuff that happens.” Again another point that is true. People always jump to criticize Hofstra and rant about all of the bad things about it, but how often does someone praise the school or state how proud they are to be here?

It is easy to criticize, but when it comes down to it, Hofstra students do seem to have spirit for their school. From apparel to the excitement one feels when someone has heard about Hofstra or knows someone who goes there, Hofstra does have some spirit, but like always it could do with some more.


Grace Gavilanes is a rising junior at Hofstra University majoring in English and Journalism. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism and, eventually, in English Education. Grace is super driven and has many goals that she is positive will be made into reality. This Queens native enjoys drinking bubble tea and dancing in the rain!